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Giving a raised belt a go to see how it would come out (this is just a 3 inch test strip). Now I just need to plan out a full-size belt.

(Edited to make the picture a bit smaller...easier to view)

Edited by verus22

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The sample turned out great! What did you use in the middle?

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The two outside pieces are 1 1/2 in. wide, the inner piece (same leather) is 7/8 in. wide. (All three are around 3 mil thick, each) I'm using a 'roma shoulder' I picked up at Tandy during their open house (got it half price). I'm playing around with ideas to get the 'look' I like, and plan on using bridle and harness in the future (all bridle, or all harness).

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I saw the Roma when I was there a week ago. Looks beautiful in your pics. Thanks for the info because I'm going to be doing a lined belt later this year after I drop 20 or so lbs. Based on your example I'm tempted to do a raised belt now. Make sure to show us the completed pics!

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I also did the flashlight case and pliers case from that Roma shoulder (previous posts). I was really tempted to buy two of them at the time, but at the moment I'm just working on my technique more than anything, so I didn't need that much leather. I have a belt blank sitting on my workbench that I think will need to become a raised belt in the near future! Just need to split it lengthwise (I don't have a splitter at the moment), so it might be a bit before I'm able to get around to it...but it will be photographed and posted when complete. :)

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Well, I realize it is a small test, but if it is an indication of your skill level you are doing very well. The stitching looks great and the edges are super.

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