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Have A Question, Need Some Help If Anyone Can

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I watched a guy on a utube video today of a guy who showed how to make an aluminum gun out of a mold using foam board, he drew out a picture then taped it out on foam board put in a sand bucket then poured in molten aluminum, the molten aluminum took the place of the foam core and make the aluminum gun. My question is if anyone knows of a site where a person can go to print exact size images of different guns to be able to make aluminum guns in that manner.

Thanks in advance.

O n S

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I know which video you are referring, and the method works great for making toys, but if you wanted good replica for holster making, you would have to make a ton of layers to make the casting good enough for wet molding a holster.

You can buy exact replicas from plastic from places like Blue Guns who used real firearms to create their molds.


Here is a blue gun for sale that is a replica of the model 92 Beretta, similar to the one in the DIY aluminum casting video


Edited by Colt W Knight

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my need is to be able to have a usable replica at the cheapest means possible, and I know, I know, Cheap and good is an oxymoron, however I have a very limited budget well none actually, I am trying to get this going on a retirement budget to make a few extra bucks if that makes sense. SO trying to find a way to have something to work with so that I don't have to tell someone that, (If you bring me yours) I can make you what you want. I know for me that would be a turn off and want to look else where. just the ramblings of and old and slow retired guy with a bad back and from what I am told a high risk for another heart attack.

O n S

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If you are going to try I would suggest using epoxy to cast the gun. Far easier to work with. Sand casting aluminum is not horribly difficult, but is outside the reach of most craftspeople. One thing to also consider is that aluminum has a shrinkage factor, so you will need to make your pattern oversize and allow it to shrink to size as it cools.

So, as an at home alternative. Take a plastic soda bottle, cut it so that you have a flat piece of plastic, warm in the oven till soft and pliable. Lay it over a handgun, put it inside a vacuum packer and suck it down. You now have a perfect form for the gun for free. Pour the mold full of epoxy, perfect copy. Best to do it on each side to get a true copy. It is a little more complicated than this, but not much.

Edited by electrathon

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