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Turning/modifying Wad Punches Into Strap End Punches

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I've been buying old tool lots for a long time and as a result I have some extra wad punches that I don't have a use for. So I was looking at them the other day thinking if I could turn them into something else, and it struck me that they could be turned into odd size strap end punches by cutting them in half more or less.

Have any of you had any succes doing so? And how did you go about doing it?

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I took a spare large wad punch and used an angle grinder to cut it in half diameter wise, then cut one semi-circle off the punch = result one 1/2 round strap end cutter

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I guess it would depend on whether they're hardened steel (if a file slides over it then it's hardened). As mentioned, an angle grinder with a thin cut-off wheel is what I would use. If it's hardened then keep dunking it in cold water as you cut so you don't destroy the temper.

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