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Question On Making A Pen Holder

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Ok making another messenger bag, but i want to put a spot for a couple of pens, well maybe three in total, so do I simply make a small strip that a person can simply hook the pen to, or should i make a full lenght pen holder that way if the pen does not have a hook/latch thingy (to late in the evening to get all technical) it can still be slotted into the pen holder so that they do not have to dig around in the bag for a pen?

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Ok making another messenger bag, but i want to put a spot for a couple of pens, well maybe three in total, so do I simply make a small strip that a person can simply hook the pen to, or should i make a full lenght pen holder that way if the pen does not have a hook/latch thingy (to late in the evening to get all technical) it can still be slotted into the pen holder so that they do not have to dig around in the bag for a pen?

You might want to go ahead and try "getting technical" because I'm not sure I understand your question...

I'll try to answer anyway though...but again, I may not understand what you're asking...but what I'd recommend is a horizontal pouch with a metal stud closure. That way, the pen clips don't have to be used. I dislike having to put my pens in a pouch that uses a strip of leather because it usually stretches out the pen clip and makes it loose.

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I think I get what your asking and for a bag I would prefer a pouch that the pen slides into (the full length pen holder I think you are describing) rather than just a pen loop made with a strip. If the tip of the pen is covered it won't be catching on things in the bag, which might lead to the pen getting twisted around and breaking the pen loop strap as stuff shifts in the bag.

25b has good points too about why not to use the pen loop.

Edited by Bob Blea

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Ok so no pen loop had not thought about it stretching the caps or anything like that...hmm small pouch then maybe on the inside I maybe have to give that a look see, though do not really want to take up to much space inside the bag. Though on the outside..hmm cool thanks both of you for the help and ideas!

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Here is another idea, sort of a combination...


It's an M-1938 Map/Dispatch case. I'm going to make one out of leather (soonish, I hope!). I am going to make the pen loops large enough that I do not need to use the clips on the pens themselves, and the 'pen holster' short enough to be able to grab the pens easily. With where the pen holster is sitting, with the top flap closed down, I need not worry on the pens sliding out if the bag gets inverted.

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