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Hi All holster fanatics!

My idea may not be new, but I can't seem to find suitable ideas or a pattern for what I intend making.

I want to carry a 9mm CZ concealed in a leather book cover (diary format) that zippers up


How can I secure the weapon inside and add a detachable holster, with a spare mag - any suggestions from the experts?


It might be easier if you made a holster that stayed in the book and than a second one to use outside of the book. Trying to be everything at once can be difficult and lead to a much fatter (wider) book than you want.

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Thanks for participating and the ideas are valuable!!

I like the notebook - and by adding the actual notepad it conceals the firearm!

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I like the notebook idea and the website shows good options too. I did find it humorous that the website notes that they are made to order, cost 500-600 dollars and if you want your initials added- that'll cost another dollar.

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Just finished this project and I am pleased with the outcome. Will definitely work for me!




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