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green wingy thingy mask

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todays effort... 1mm veg tanned leather, airbrushed with acrylic paints.



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Roo, you don't stop amaze me !

beutyfull mask, great idea and very nicely done !


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Looks like something the Bird People in Flash Gordon would wear. I know some bikers that would wear it too. Nicel done.


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That's heavy duty to be sure! Great work!


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The colours, the colours!!!!!

We're gunna need to visit you whenever I can afford a colourgun for some targetpracticing;-) AND off course the expensive journey halfway around the globe!!!

Mask looks great! Got me thinking about those ninja turtles a little bit (towards the mouth part).

Outstanding crispness on this one!!


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Reminds me of "the swamp thing" or "the creature from the black lagoon". They might have been the same thing. Is that all one piece of leather Caroline? Another really cool mask!

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Thats a cool one!


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Real cool looking mask Roo, love the color. Like Clay said, it reminds me of the black lagoon creature.


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Reminds me of "the swamp thing" or "the creature from the black lagoon". They might have been the same thing. Is that all one piece of leather Caroline? Another really cool mask!

thanks guys, yes clay it was all one piece of leather, it started out a lot bigger but a snip here and there and this is how it turned out. It amazes me how when making a mask the leather seems to have a mind of it own!! I have a rough idea of what i want to do, ( in this case the pleated leather) but the project takes on a life of its own. This is why i would never do commissions, i could never make the same mask twice, it just wouldnt turn out the same. I also have trouble with the texture of the leather, I think it has to do with the thickness of the leather. When i cut this mask it felt all the same thickness, but when it was wet, one side was thicker than the other.

This means when molding, some parts are firm, but harder to mold, while the other parts are nearly too thin and crinkle to easily.

Edited by leatheroo

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