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lacing around gusset corners help

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OK so when you guys lace around a gusset corner how do you keep it from looking like a big ball of .....

On the inside run do you use less holes then the outside and just double up the inside lacing while doing normal on the outside?

Or just make the gusset wide enough in the area so that you can do it like you would a normal corner?

Here is a pic of the latest project that I got into trouble trying to lace and what Im talking about.

Thanks for any help.



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for starters- I think that it looks really neat the way you have done it!

If you are talking about the very bottom I don't see a problem. If you didn't intend to have such a large "crease" then rubber cement the gusset to the outside and use a punch or lacing nippers and punch each hole after it's in place.

Did I get the problem right?


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for starters- I think that it looks really neat the way you have done it!

If you are talking about the very bottom I don't see a problem. If you didn't intend to have such a large "crease" then rubber cement the gusset to the outside and use a punch or lacing nippers and punch each hole after it's in place.

Did I get the problem right?


Yep thats it, I just seemed to bunch up the lacing down in that area. I did however punch all the holes before hand so I may try punching the holes after I get them mated up together. I started thinking about it and may try widening out the bottom of the gusset just a bit to aid in making the job a bit easier.

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Could someone steer me toward a tutorial how to demonstration instructions illustrations regarding that lacing/stitch pattern? It's been a long time since JR high when we made (assembled) that wallet. There is soooooooooooooo much info on this site that I'm having trouble finding stuff....amongst all the other stuff! That is a good thing.


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