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Cheap Genuine Coloured Leather

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Hey guys,

So i'm looking for coloured leather but only at genuine leather grade as they will be made into belt harnesses etc. Can you get this quality leather in belt thickness? Any ideas?

Many thanks,


Edited by acook59

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orthopedic grade some heavy elk 5-6 oz come in fue colors white, black . brown , tan, beige , and a green. try rodan leather mich usa white is tuff to work with what you need to understand it tannerys might do a short run you might check with what they have left over. theirs waterhouse good luck most of those colors are just surface dies might be a small demand but no money for a big run/.you and everone that would want it couldn't buy enough to get the tannery to do it

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Couldn't fine their website. What do i need to search for cos i've tried genuine leather 6oz and i just get a whole bunch of hip flasks and i'm not really up to speed with all the terminology only being a noob etc

If i want to make a lot of "belts" but at different widths and not out of premium quality super expensive leather, what would be the best way to do that? Can you buy large pieces of thick and stiff leather?

Edited by acook59

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All of the suppliers that advertise on this site sell real quality leather only. No fakes, or composites, unless listed as such.

Genuine leather is a marketing term, and in some cases can mean particle board leather made from leather dust.....

Generally, strap goods such as collars, belts and harnesses are made from veg tanned leather. It is normally only available in earth tone colours.

Clothing, fashion and furniture use chrome tanned leather. It is available in more finishes and colours than you can count however have a few issues with strap goods. They tend to be stretchier and not generally available as thick which leads to stitched laminated straps to get thickness and strength. Also, some people have issues with the chromium in the leather against their skin. Plus chrome tanning is way worse for the environment but way cheaper and faster.

My suggestion is to dye it yourself. Invest in an airbrush to help with even dying and go to town.

As to your request for cheap leather:

Cheap leather has more blemishes and weak areas. Straps need long stretches of clean leather. You will end up with alot more scrap. Cheap leather does not dye as nice nor as easily. When you do the math, cheap leather will lose you money.

Quality veg tanned leather at a good price is what you want... People pay more to know it is quality leather with a small environmental footprint.

In the price of the product, once you take away profit, overhead, labour, and hardware, the leather portion is small. A few dollars at that level can make a big difference to the profit line if marketed correctly. Reducing scrap will also help You are not scrimping on the quality of your hand-work, so why do it with materials.

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Ok cool thank you. Is it better to airbrush or to use a foam brush and polish it up nicely? Cos I could get a whole bunch of veg tanned strips from eBay and do that? Or could I use leather paint?

Edited by acook59

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