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Have any of you used weaver holster sides for molded holsters? What were results? When using carving leather do I dye before or after molding? What dye or oil do you use?


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Posted (edited)

I just got a couple sides from weaver, one "holster" and one not. I didn't return them, but I would say that if that's standard quality for them, I wouldn't order there with any regularity. The one side has "marks" on the flesh side", looks like may be from a pressure roller or similar. It's on the back, and the projects I'm making will get lined anyway -- otherwise I would have taken that less well.

I use Fiebing's dyes, both the "alchohol" and the "oil" dyes. And you can dye before OR after you mold it.

Edited by JLSleather
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weaver holster sides

Are we talking veg tan sides? Ain't never heard of "holster" sides.

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weaver holster sides

Are we talking veg tan sides? Ain't never heard of "holster" sides.

Yep, it's veg tanned (what I always referred to as) tooling leather. I tried a couple of sides, just to see what they were putting out. The ":holster" one has lines on the back, looks like it was from sort of feed mechanism (guessing).

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JLS, where do you buy your leather and what do you buy? Please.

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Posted (edited)


Getting tougher and tougher to get a decent piece of cow these days. But, most of what I'm using at the moment is from W/C, holstered skirting leather. I'm getting some work done, but there's WAY too much waste in a hide any more.

Personally, I'm thinking if a guy wants natural veg tanned cowhide for tooling and / or molding, go straight to H.O. The leather still isn't flawless, but then it hasn't been marked up along the way by retailers either....

The last I bought was that at Weaver. I paid $8.75/ft for one and $8.93 for the other. But I could have got "A" grade at H.O. for $8.03 (that's last year price, I haven't ordered there since the 1st), and would have been much nicer leather.

Edited by JLSleather
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What is the minimum number of sides you have to buy direct from Hermann Oak? I would imagine ten sides or more. That is a large financial out lay.

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Posted (edited)

Yep, minimum 10, and that's 10 of the same weight. True, it's a chunk of change. But the "B" grade is $7.70/foot -- NOT the $10/foot you're paying at SLC.

$2.25 per foot times 25 feet is an extra $56 per side. So going through 10 sides, you'd pay $560 LESS going to H.O. Perhaps the BIG thing is, I've tried that just getting a couple of sides / backs at a time. But then you end up paying about 25% more for what is supposed to be the same leather.

Figure it the other way around. $1000 gets 4 sides at these "retail" places, or 5 sides at H.O.

If I lived in PA, I'd take a trip over to W/C and pick out some leather - which it seems may be the only way to do it these days.

Or if you have someone doing leather in your area, maybe "split" an order from H.O.

Edited by JLSleather
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Must be a different Weaver Leather than I deal with. I buy from the one in Mt.Hope Ohio. I have ordered 1 or 2 hides from them at a time. They do give a discount starting at five hides. When buying 5 or more I always mix it up.

Keplerts give them a call and get it straight from the horses mouth. They have always treated me right

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I am very sorry. I misspoke totally. JLS was speaking about Hermann Oak. Not Weaver. Again my apologies.

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I should drive over to W/C. it is only about an hour and 30 min drive from where I live.

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Yep, I would. Get some of the snow moved, and I might be due for a trip myself. If it was an hour and a half, I could pick up a few sides. But since I'd likely fly out, have to get considerably more to make it worth the trip.

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