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Making a holster( avenger) for Bersa sub compact 9 mm. Not wanting to buy a buy gun at this time was wondering if the CZ 75 would work looks like the same trigger guard and the dimensions are close. Thank you in advance.

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I was hopeful! Rats.

( I don' know the answer to your question-I would do a mock up-then you would know: My approach anyway)

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Don't know if you are familiar with this thread http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=66077 but I think it is a good idea and I happen to have a Bersa sub compact 9 blue gun that you are welcome to borrow.

If you would like to use it PM me with your mailing address and Ill do my best to get in the post tomorrow.

Just get it back in a couple of weeks cause i will need it then.


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Sorry for the heading Beers. Typing sucks. Laughing. Rickdroid, thank you very much for the offer. I went to the gun store and they had one. They let me put it in the holster. Made some adjustments and was good to go. The problem I saw was the magizine ejector button. I elected not to sew around the trigger guard until i was able to put the gun in the holster to see how far it needed to go in and not interfere with the button. I'll post a picture when it's done. Thank you again.

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On another note, I made two half-breed holsters using a blue gun and a grey one I got from Cabellas. The blue gun was a H&K sub-compact the grey one a Sig 226. Both holsters needed adjustments with the real guns. I guess working with leather you have a little more lead way than with the Kydex. Also, Rickdroid I would be more than happy to offer you the same deal if I have a gun you need to make a holster for. I have about twenty at this time.

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On another note, I made two half-breed holsters using a blue gun and a grey one I got from Cabellas. The blue gun was a H&K sub-compact the grey one a Sig 226. Both holsters needed adjustments with the real guns. I guess working with leather you have a little more lead way than with the Kydex. Also, Rickdroid I would be more than happy to offer you the same deal if I have a gun you need to make a holster for. I have about twenty at this time.

Thanks very much for the offer. I dont make many holsters, my skills are not up to that task yet. I have the Bersa blue gun because that particular model is my carry gun. I pocket carry so no holster needed there. I did make a holster for my pickup to have a place to park the gun when I go into a place that is posted to prevent carrying inside their facilities. I am going to try a new holster for my pickup to go under the dash if I can figure out how to mount it.

Thanks again, my blue gun models, Bersa and a Baretta FS9 model are both available in case someone needs to borrow them.

Good Luck


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I did make a holster for my pickup to have a place to park the gun when I go into a place that is posted to prevent carrying inside their facilities. I am going to try a new holster for my pickup to go under the dash if I can figure out how to mount it.

Rick, . . . get a flat, rectangular magnet and contact cement it to the back of the holster if you have enough steel up under there to hang it. Most new vehicles do not, . . . but that is one option. If you don't have steel, . . . two pieces of Velcro will accomplish the same task, . . . sew it to the holster before you mold it, . . . and you are good to go, . . . I've made a couple like that, . . . they are just neat.

Another that I've seen and like, . . . they take and make a belt for the steering column, . . . and put a steel belt clip on the back of the holster, . . . like an OWB holster with a clip.

Anyway, . . . it's not a tough job, . . .

MayGod bless,


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