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Does anyone know if needle position synchronizers for servo motors are compatible from control box to control box?

I have a machine with a J7R Control Box (Model KE120B) that does not currently have a NPS installed, but it looks like it has the square four-pronged jack for it. I also have a spare position sensor from a Reliable SM6000SM that looks like it will plug right in there. Before I go and find a hand wheel bolt and plug it in, I just wanted a quick sanity check - is there any possibility this could work? Is there any possibility I could short something out or hurt anything?

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Is there any possibility I could short something out or hurt anything?

Quite possibly. Mine also has a 4-pin connection (Skyrit servo from China) but I have no idea if there's a wiring "standard" for these things. Unfortunately no-one seems to provide wiring diagrams for these things.

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Don't know if this will help. I opened mine up and traced the connections.


Looking at the front of the plug, notch at top. I'm guessing D and U (labels on the PC board) refer to Down and UP. (Excuse the slightly blurry photo, camera didn't want to focus where I wanted it to!!).

If the plug on yours matches the socket on the servo, I would suggest checking the connections. As long as the +ve and -ve line up then plugging it in shouldn't do any damage.

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J7R brand motor with control box KE120B uses syncronizer model SY2D that we offer and have in stock if you are need.

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