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Where'd my time go???

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It's been a while (again) since I've been active on here, and wow, there's been some pretty major changes to the site!   I haven't gone away, I've just been up to my eyeballs in everyday life in the physical world.  Logging in today and seeing the changes brings up a pretty poignant issue for most of us on here: Making time to do the things we love.  As any single parent will attest, time for ourselves just seems to disappear when so much of our time is spent on our kids, our jobs, and all the daily clutter - from bills, to groceries, to being a tutor at night, even being a referee in cage fights in the living room.  I know it's not just single parents that deal with time issues, but hey, that's my perspective now.  Being away from this site and from leather work in general has really brought home just how much I relied on the craft and the camaraderie from the folks here to help me find my center.    So, to all my fellow crafters who seem to have more on the 'to do' list than minutes in the day, I want to offer some encouragement.  Stick with it, even if it's a half hour a day, stolen from your hectic schedule.  If you've been bit by the leather bug, keep scratching the itch...ignoring it just makes it worse!!  This was all brought home to me when I stopped in a Tandy on Friday while running (yet more) errands.  I walked in and the smell of the leather hit me- that deep rich scent, a touch of contact cement, and the scarcest whiff of dye solvent.  Then I noticed a few people working on small projects, getting quiet pointers from employees and other people who were lending a mentoring moment.  I was confronted with the realization that THIS is what's been missing.  Since I'm beginning the process of relocating AGAIN, I'll likely still not be here as much as I like. Maybe in a few months, maybe more, I'll find my way back.  I'll be trying to apply some wisdom that I shared with one of us....Chase your dream, and when you catch it....don't ever let go.  

And yes...I did walk out of that Tandy with a new side of leather.  I will name it George, and I will hold it and pet it and squeeze it.:)

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Have missed your posts and comments.  Good to see you are still around.  Kids take a lot of time, but provide very long lasting and great memories.  Even better than leatherwork.  But is sure is nice to squeeze in a bit of time now and then.

Good luck with your next move.



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