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Sewing machine instructors wanted

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Would be great if there was a list of people, with the area they live in, that can show us some technical sewing machine skills. I live in Asheville NC with a cowboy 4500 and before I mess it all up it would be great to learn how to go around small gussets and set up the different plates. Honestly, I know there are detailed forums about it here but the fact is is Im not the best at reading and learning. More of a handson type guy/girl . Would rather pay to learn to do it right and learn the mistakes rather than screw up days trying to fix a jacked up machine I have no clue about. 

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If you can't find anything, I have a video on my website that covers the basics of the Cobra Class 4 and clones, plus some basic stitching tips.  Instructor is Chris Slickbald Andre, who knows a few things about the machines.  Check it out here www.learnleather.com

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immiketoo's Cobra video is excellent, definitely check it out.

Leather Machine Co. posted a new video on setup and using the Cobra 4 (basically same as Cowboy 4500).  Very well done too..

LMC Cobra vids

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