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Double Daddy

Snaps/rivets/makers mark...press to use?

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Hello, everyone!  I'm looking to do an equipment upgrade in the near future and I need a little guidance from those who have already taken this path...

I currently set snaps, rivets, etc by hand (& hammer). Same thing with the Delrin makers mark that I've had since I started this little journey...I plan to upgrade to a metal one as part of this retooling.

What do you suggest for a press-type machine that would handle those duties as an upgrade?  Modified arbor press? I know the GoldStar press works with snaps and rivets...does anyone have experience using it with their makers mark?

As always, the input and suggestions from this community is appreciated and helpful!

Thanks in advance!


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I use a 1-ton arbor press from Northern Tool with my maker's mark. But my mark and my snap setters are all hand tools so using the press is a little futzy. Easier than setting them by hand with a mallet, but still takes adjusting to.

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I picked up a 1 Ton arbor press from Harbor Freight and made some of the typical modifications described in previous posts here.  I also added a few changes:

1. I bought 1/4" nylon spacers from Lowes and cut them to 1/4" - put them in the arbor press housing so they rub against the side of the ram instead of the steel bolts pressing directly against the ram. 

2. I drilled a 3/8" hole into the tip of the ram and made a leather punch to create stitching holes in thick leather.  I drilled a small hole in the end of a piece of 3/8" iron rod to fit the shaft of a leather needle and used an 8-32 set screw to hold it in place. Also made tips to use as punches, and bought a 3/8" O.D. bushing to hold snap setter and stamping tools.  The sewing needle goes right through several layers of thick leather - much easier than using my awl.

3. Removed the steel plate that presses against the front of the ram and replaced with a brass plate to reduce wear on the ram.  Also replaced all of the cheap bolts with better quality steel bolts.

Next step is to make a table and fence to use when stamping leather.  I'll post pics when I finish.



Arbor Press spacers installed.jpg

Arbor Press spacers.jpg

Arbor Press tips.jpg

Arbor Press Ram.jpg

Arbor Press Ram2.jpg

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