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Posted (edited)

Always got scrap. Always cleaning up (never done).

I know some people who can't throw out anything, but I'm not one of em.  I save enough scraps for assorted tasks, but always still have some.  I'm not talking about stuff 2-finger size, that's already in the trash.  Some pieces are more that a square foot.  Some with scratches or wrinkles, some cosmetically okay but from teh edge and thus not that firm, etc.  I mean stuff that could be used for

  • testing dye / stain colors
  • trying out new finishes
  • setting sewing machine tension and stitch lenght (and thread color against a given leather color)
  • embossing fillers
  • exotic leather backers
  • testing patterns (first dry run only -- if it was firm enough to trust for the pattern, it would be firm enough to use!)
  • chew toy for the dog
  • chew toy for the wife
  • whatever else you think of

The leather is FREE, just either pick it up or pay the shipping.  Here's the one 'rule'... I want this to go to the new guy.  Some you folks been at the leather bench for 10+ years got scrap already.. don't ask for this just to packrat it away with some you already have ;)

This not in teh "for sale" area, cuz it aint for sale.  There will be more time to time... not gonna "schedule' it.  Best place to list?  Shortly I'll get a quick picture of what currently needs to go away.  If it's been a week since i posted this and you're now seeing it, the leather is gone... somebody took it,OR I pitched it, but it's gone.




Edited by JLSleather
Posted (edited)

I'll take it. Just pm me for the shipping. And thanks.

Edited by bikermutt07
  • Contributing Member

Most of the scrap around here will be veg tanned, and usually 7/8 oz or 4 oz.  From HO "A" hides, or in some cases W/C "standard" drum dyed skirting (split to about 8).

At any rate, this is stuff that shouldn't be pitched out, but not what I want to use on my projects, so ... This stuff IS worth having around, or I woulda pitched it.  But how many HOURS do I really want to spend going through a box of scrap to find a piece when I could have cut a chunk off a hide in a few seconds @!!#!#$!@!

I found a box, I'll get a pic and a weight for the shipping. Seriously, this is not going to be a little envelope ;)



I'm excited.

  • Contributing Member
Posted (edited)

Okay, then.. here's a bit.   The squares on teh floor are 13" x 13", to give you an idea.  The box is about 10 x 14" and weighs about 9 lbs and change.  Just going by 4 floor squares by 4 floor squares with a bit of air space, I'm gonna 'guess' this about 14 sq ft?  So you can see why I looked at it an extra time or two to decide where it goes.  In the end, as is sometimes the case, it's eating up my time ;)

The black and brown shades are W/C skirting leather, and the natural is HO.  Biggest piece of natural tooling is about 10" x 14" (I cut it to fit the box). Some smaller pieces still in the box.  Oh, for general info and to whomit may concern... the top of the photo in brown is W/C drum dyed skirting "brown" and teh lower right brown is W/C "chestnut".

I've got it out ot my way for the moment, but if you wanna look up the best way to ship it that works.  Since it would cost $125+ to buy it, I wouldn't kill TOO much time savin' $5 on teh shipping ;)



Edited by JLSleather
  • Contributing Member

All of this is sold.  Wait.. thassa different category....


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