Contributing Member JLSleather Posted August 20, 2016 Contributing Member Report Posted August 20, 2016 (edited) Always got scrap. Always cleaning up (never done). I know some people who can't throw out anything, but I'm not one of em. I save enough scraps for assorted tasks, but always still have some. I'm not talking about stuff 2-finger size, that's already in the trash. Some pieces are more that a square foot. Some with scratches or wrinkles, some cosmetically okay but from teh edge and thus not that firm, etc. I mean stuff that could be used for testing dye / stain colors trying out new finishes setting sewing machine tension and stitch lenght (and thread color against a given leather color) embossing fillers exotic leather backers testing patterns (first dry run only -- if it was firm enough to trust for the pattern, it would be firm enough to use!) chew toy for the dog chew toy for the wife whatever else you think of The leather is FREE, just either pick it up or pay the shipping. Here's the one 'rule'... I want this to go to the new guy. Some you folks been at the leather bench for 10+ years got scrap already.. don't ask for this just to packrat it away with some you already have This not in teh "for sale" area, cuz it aint for sale. There will be more time to time... not gonna "schedule' it. Best place to list? Shortly I'll get a quick picture of what currently needs to go away. If it's been a week since i posted this and you're now seeing it, the leather is gone... somebody took it,OR I pitched it, but it's gone. Edited August 20, 2016 by JLSleather
bikermutt07 Posted August 20, 2016 Report Posted August 20, 2016 (edited) I'll take it. Just pm me for the shipping. And thanks. Edited August 20, 2016 by bikermutt07
Members hellomina Posted August 20, 2016 Members Report Posted August 20, 2016 I'd like to take some. What kind of leather is it and what weight generally? PM me and I'll paypal you the shipping.
Contributing Member JLSleather Posted August 20, 2016 Author Contributing Member Report Posted August 20, 2016 Most of the scrap around here will be veg tanned, and usually 7/8 oz or 4 oz. From HO "A" hides, or in some cases W/C "standard" drum dyed skirting (split to about 8). At any rate, this is stuff that shouldn't be pitched out, but not what I want to use on my projects, so ... This stuff IS worth having around, or I woulda pitched it. But how many HOURS do I really want to spend going through a box of scrap to find a piece when I could have cut a chunk off a hide in a few seconds @!!#!#$!@! I found a box, I'll get a pic and a weight for the shipping. Seriously, this is not going to be a little envelope
Contributing Member JLSleather Posted August 20, 2016 Author Contributing Member Report Posted August 20, 2016 (edited) Okay, then.. here's a bit. The squares on teh floor are 13" x 13", to give you an idea. The box is about 10 x 14" and weighs about 9 lbs and change. Just going by 4 floor squares by 4 floor squares with a bit of air space, I'm gonna 'guess' this about 14 sq ft? So you can see why I looked at it an extra time or two to decide where it goes. In the end, as is sometimes the case, it's eating up my time The black and brown shades are W/C skirting leather, and the natural is HO. Biggest piece of natural tooling is about 10" x 14" (I cut it to fit the box). Some smaller pieces still in the box. Oh, for general info and to whomit may concern... the top of the photo in brown is W/C drum dyed skirting "brown" and teh lower right brown is W/C "chestnut". I've got it out ot my way for the moment, but if you wanna look up the best way to ship it that works. Since it would cost $125+ to buy it, I wouldn't kill TOO much time savin' $5 on teh shipping Edited August 20, 2016 by JLSleather
Contributing Member JLSleather Posted August 20, 2016 Author Contributing Member Report Posted August 20, 2016 All of this is sold. Wait.. thassa different category....
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