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Homemade Glue Pot

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After seeing a video that Bruce Cheaney was doing on an hatchet sheath I noticed he had made a glue pot from a pickle jar. I emailed Mr. Cheaney and he gave me some advice on how to make one.

The first couple of items needed are a bag of tortilla chips and some salsa. After finishing the little snack rinse out the salsa bottle.

I used a cheap set of step less uni-bits from Harbor freight and drilled a hole in the center of the lid to fit the diameter of the cheap paint brush I got at the local art supply store.

Once I was satisfied with the fit of the paint brush in the lid I used some loctite two part epoxy putty to secure it top and bottom to the lid. I got the 15 minute epoxy but I let it set up over night to insure it cured completely.

Once I was sure it was secured I used some upholstery leather and contact cement on the top. I think this was unnecessary to be honest. 

I have been using this for a little over two weeks now and it is fantastic. I can't believe I didn't think of this earlier.




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Cool idea. I'm glad to see your work area looks like mine.

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Great idea! I should give it a go since the ones for sale are so stinking expensive. :)

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