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BAG o' tools

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Cleaning out the drawers... off to the north!  Findin' lots o stuf I forgot I had :blush:

So all for one price.... $80 gitsem shipped in the US !!!!  But act quick, they go in the mail or on the truck in a couple days!

bagotools.jpg1" strap end punch - never used

lace maker

5-blade J.Watt edgers - some light use

Large and small awl blades - new

1/8" creaser (border tool)

3/32" adjustable depth U-gouge

And a bunch of swivel knife blades which - I admit - I am never going to sharpen ;)


EDIT: Puppy treats not included ;)


Edited by JLSleather

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I needs one of them creaser thingys, or that bag of bacon stuff.

Edited by bikermutt07

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This batch spoken for -- but I expect there will be more before it's over!


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