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Dye bleeding through

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So tonight I was working on two separate notebook covers 5oz leather, one dyed turquoise and the other was grey(heavily diluted black dye) had both to the color I wanted. I wanted to dye the interior darker black for the grey and medium brown for the turquoise. The problem was the darker dye bled through to the front on both pieces.

does anyone know how to prevent this?

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Pretty much impossible to stop it. The back is so porous that it just soaks it up. Going with a different color you probably be off using a cloth lining. You could try dying the interior first but I still don't think that would work.

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2 hours ago, Mattsbagger said:

Pretty much impossible to stop it. The back is so porous that it just soaks it up. Going with a different color you probably be off using a cloth lining. You could try dying the interior first but I still don't think that would work.

That's kinda what I was thinking on such thin leather being already tooled befor dyeing the back. 

While working on some other things today I was thinking about doing a test piece by dyeing the back then tooling and dyeing the front. I'll give it ago soon and see what happens. 

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Please let us know !

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line the inside with dyed pig or calf skin (or even sheep) and then stitch them together. Someone asked me to make a purse that was pink on the outside and black on the inside and I wasted a good bit of leather learning this lesson.

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