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Ruger 9mm semi-auto pancake

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Got a request from Clintock for a pattern for a P90 Ruger 9mm semi-auto pancake holster.  The gun is better known as a "brick" because when you get done pumping out the bullets, . . . you can always throw the gun at the perp, . . . and if you hit him in the head, . . . it's darn near as good as shooting him.

Anyway, . . . down and dirty, . . . pancake pattern, . . . flat backed pancake, . . . to me the most comfortable.

If you use these patterns, look on both pieces for two little "X" marks.  Print the patterns so that when you get done, there is exactly 6 inches between the X marks on each pattern, and they should be sized correctly for the pattern.

I cut out both pieces so the inside of my pancake holsters is the flesh side of the leather.


Position them as in the sewn together picture, . . . soak the thing and form it.  You can see I used my vacuum forming bag, . . . love the way it does the work for my thumbs and fingers.

Hang it up to dry, . . . position it correctly, . . . contact cement it, . . . and sew the trailing edge.'

Your holster is ready for finishing.

Have fun, may God bless,




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3 hours ago, tearghost said:


I was wondering if I could get some info on your vacuum forming set up please?.

What would you like to know, tearghost, . . . ???

It is basically a $99.00 vacuum pump from Harbor Freight, . . . a piece of plastic hose from the hardware store, . . . I bought a piece of thick clear vinyl from Joann Fabric store and made a bag out of it by contact cementing the edges.

I place the holster on a white plastic cutting board to keep it flat, . . . turn on the vacuum pump and let it do it's work.

The tricky part to find is the inlet fitting to get you into the bag with the hose.  This might work, . . . it is different from mine, . . . but looks promising:  https://www.ebay.com/itm/Vacuum-Bagging-Fitting-Port-Adapter-Chuck-w-Locking-Nut-Sealer-Washer-Brass-SS/391876111610?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649

The other tricky part is sealing the bag, . . . you can basically roll it over a 1/2 inch piece of tubing, . . . then put a clamp on on the tubing, . . . don't take much.  Once the bag gets stuck to itself, . . . it seals pretty good.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

May God bless,


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On 11/28/2017 at 7:49 PM, Dwight said:

What would you like to know, tearghost, . . . ???

It is basically a $99.00 vacuum pump from Harbor Freight, . . . a piece of plastic hose from the hardware store, . . . I bought a piece of thick clear vinyl from Joann Fabric store and made a bag out of it by contact cementing the edges.

I place the holster on a white plastic cutting board to keep it flat, . . . turn on the vacuum pump and let it do it's work.

The tricky part to find is the inlet fitting to get you into the bag with the hose.  This might work, . . . it is different from mine, . . . but looks promising:  https://www.ebay.com/itm/Vacuum-Bagging-Fitting-Port-Adapter-Chuck-w-Locking-Nut-Sealer-Washer-Brass-SS/391876111610?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649

The other tricky part is sealing the bag, . . . you can basically roll it over a 1/2 inch piece of tubing, . . . then put a clamp on on the tubing, . . . don't take much.  Once the bag gets stuck to itself, . . . it seals pretty good.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

May God bless,


Thank you so much that is exactly what I have been wondering about.

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50 minutes ago, tearghost said:

Thank you so much that is exactly what I have been wondering about.

No problem tearghost, . . . just do one thing for sure.  When you buy your vacuum pump, . . . make sure you get a bottle of vacuum pump oil for it.

I used to be in the HVAC game, . . . and we always had to add oil to them every so often, . . . yours should have a little window in one end of it, . . . keep that window half full is the way most of them go, . . . check your mfg book to be sure.  You can flat burn it up if it runs out of oil, . . . and it takes special oil.

Holler if you have any other questions or concerns.

May God bless,


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12 hours ago, Dwight said:

No problem tearghost, . . . just do one thing for sure.  When you buy your vacuum pump, . . . make sure you get a bottle of vacuum pump oil for it.

I used to be in the HVAC game, . . . and we always had to add oil to them every so often, . . . yours should have a little window in one end of it, . . . keep that window half full is the way most of them go, . . . check your mfg book to be sure.  You can flat burn it up if it runs out of oil, . . . and it takes special oil.

Holler if you have any other questions or concerns.

May God bless,


Hello Dwight,

Thank you so much this info is such a great help as all this is new to me and I am not mechanically inclined at all. I'm hoping after xmas to be able to get the set up and start doing some stuff. 

Thank you 

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