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To paraphrase a famous saying "Sewing is easy. Patterning and order of operations is hard!!!!'

I am finding that the mechanics of sewing on the table top machine are less and less this issue... but man making  the patterns and knowing how much to leave for seams and turning outside out etc. and then thinking through the order of assembly operations... that's where its at... duh. Most things end up too big but as my kind son said...easier to make it smaller than bigger! yup.

Not news to many I am sure but my light bulb just went on this week.


You are spot on!  I find the layout and order of assembly to be the most difficult part of the process.  Once I have this figured out, sewing on the machine usually takes just a few minutes.  Every day and project is a learning process for me.


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For my holsters, I spend about 20 hours, at least, in the design and refinement of each one.  Then, just a few minutes stitching it up...by hand.

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