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Tool pouch, saddle stitch and Chicago screws

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I'm making a tool pouch to streamline my work tools into a more compact and secure pouch.  I want to use Chicago screws for aesthetics.  I know the saddle stitch will be strong enough for the tools I carry.    How do I incorporate the screws into my design?  Should I start and stop the stitching at the screw points, or should I just stitch around the (inner/outer?) circumference of the screw?  Im thinking stitching around the inner circumference would look really nice, and ensure that even if the screw ever fell out the stitch and glue would hold the pouch together.  Anyway, any thoughts or pictures are appreciated.

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I'm assuming your pouch will be a row of pockets for the tools to slide into.

I would use the Chicago screws at the open end join only. Stitching from the hole, with part of the first [or last] stitch just under the head of the screw. A dab of varnish or CA on the screw thread will lock it together for just about forever. An aesthetic point; make sure the slot in the screws are all aligned the same way

Edited by fredk

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Spunds good.  I never thought about lining up the screw slots.

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It doesn't really matter which way the slots run, as long as they all point the same way. Its a small mark to show that the maker was looking at the details. In the case of your pouch I would have the slots running in line with the stitching, or at right angles to it

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I would end the stitch at the screw  say 1/8" from it. Put a drop of locktite or nail polish on the screw and you wont have to worry about it again. I put blue loctite on everything. While the nail polish works fine it is damn near impossible to move again. Sometimes with age the leather shrinks a little and you may want to give the chicago screws an extra 1/4 turn. You can with the blue locktite but I have had no success when I use nail polish.

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