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So many questions answered..

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Finally saying howdy, I've been around for a bit but haven't had much to say (strong silent type?). I have been doing leather work for about a year and have found answers to most of my questions here as well as from a local guy I bought my mounted shooting holsters from. Have done a variety of things and loving it. Always trying to improve, I love seeing all of the incredible work you all post. You show a level to strive for, that is for sure! Thanks for all of the sharing!!


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Having a forum like this is a great thing-- in the non-digital world, how would we ever have found all these answers? How many actual leather workers could we have actually met and learned from?
Welcome to the forum, RedDun, and glad to have you aboard!  It's likely that somebody will ask a question about horses or mounted shooting and you can get to be the expert of the day!

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Welcome!  Hope you find the site helpful.  Share your work when you can.  We love pics and learning from each other.

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Bring on some pictures, and welcome aboard.

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Welcome from NE Texas!  I look forward to seeing your work.  How does a mounted shooting holster vary from a non-mounted?

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On 2/4/2018 at 6:31 AM, olfart said:

Welcome from NE Texas!  I look forward to seeing your work.  How does a mounted shooting holster vary from a non-mounted?

There is personal preference on how they are worn, but most wear them like I have them on in this photo. I did not make the ones I am wearing. Heavy duty, most have their guns in pretty snug so they don't fall out- but that's how my EDC holsters are too. 


11151059_765845330199474_89766702122165685_n (2).jpg

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OK, thanks for that clarification.  Looks like a semi-crossdraw application in the photo.  That looks like a fun sport!

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Finally got this image to upload, it shows the setup better than the other photo. I made this belt when the original that came with the holsters didn't fit work anymore. This was my first try at a mounted shooting gun belt- it works but I don't love it- but I also got it done in under a week due to a competition coming up and didn't have other options.

IMG_5914 (1).JPG

2 hours ago, olfart said:

OK, thanks for that clarification.  Looks like a semi-crossdraw application in the photo.  That looks like a fun sport!

It's a blast! Pun intended.

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Thanks for the images.  The belts look great!  I may have to tackle a belt someday.

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Beautiful work. Thank you for sharing.

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