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Hello Everyone! I'm intrigued by the number of leathercrafts that are highlighted here and very impressed by the high standard of workmanship.

My own speciality is bookbinding, which has been a hobby for many years. As a booklover, it means I can buy tatty copies of books I couldn't afford if they were in good condition, and then repair or rebind them. I especially enjoy working on antiquarian books and many of the books on which I work are over 200 years old. The oldest book in my collection was published in 1607.

A few months ago I started to take on paid commissions as I thought it would be neat to make the hobby self financing. So far it's working well, in that I'm not getting so much work it becomes a chore, but there's enough coming in to enable me to buy some of the equipment on my wish list.

I live on the north east coast of England.

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hello there and welcome to the Leatherworker.net.

and you have a" HAPPY 4TH OF JULY".

SORRY... i could not resist that.... :welcome:

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Hello Ann,

Thanks for introducing yourself, and welcome to Leatherworker.net! I believe there is a tremendous market for quality restorative bookbinding, if the prices I've been seeing on eBay for restored antique books are any indication, and that (usually) represents the low-end of the market. (Which is why I wouldn't recommend selling your wares there, except to gain some exposure.)

Just visited your site... you do very nice work!


Edited by CitizenKate

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welcome Annied to the leatherworker.net very interesting stuff on your web site, Don

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Thanks for the compliments everyone. I'm flattered!

You're right Kate, Ebay is definitely better for buying than for selling! I'm trying not to go there at the moment as there are way too many interesting books for sale and my willpower is nil. I'm not very good at parting with my books, so when I buy one in need of work, it invariably has a happy retirement on one of my own bookshelves when it's finished. But yes, nicely restored 200 year old books can be quite valuable.

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Hi Annied! I like your work and the old books, I have a little old books collection, one book is from 1560, writed in latin and covered with lambhide, I'm in love from him!

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