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7 minutes ago, LederRudi said:

Thanks NCArcher! Only one side of the quiver is stamped. I had trad archery in mind, so the arrows would point back (right handed shooter). Stamping both sides would have overstrained my patience

I'm with Railrider: That's one heck of an accomplishment! Being a mediocre trad archer myself, I'm in awe of such an achievement!

But it's a good thing that you have your life back!

I tried for the olympic team when I was a lot younger and just wasn't up to par. Married with kids, and not enough time to get to the required level. Also right handed and left eyed, and no scopes allowed for recurve archery. Shooting compound with a release and scope was a lot easier but of course you are competing against archers with the same gear. I really enjoyed it but I have more fun travelling and playing music. less frustrating and you get free beer!


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17 hours ago, BDAZ said:

 FITA is still the governing body. 

No, it changed to World Archery Federation a few years ago. Federation Internationale Tir de la Arc. Is no more. 

I've always wanted to make my own quiver but haven't had the courage to commit to such a difficult project. One day.

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I retired in 2009, they changed the name from FITA to World Archery in 2011. Thanks for the update! I have been shooting under FITA since the early 60s. A separated shoulder in a bicycle accident put the final nail in the coffin!


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9 hours ago, BDAZ said:

I tried for the olympic team when I was a lot younger and just wasn't up to par. Married with kids, and not enough time to get to the required level. Also right handed and left eyed, and no scopes allowed for recurve archery. Shooting compound with a release and scope was a lot easier but of course you are competing against archers with the same gear. I really enjoyed it but I have more fun travelling and playing music. less frustrating and you get free beer!


I have yet to find a hobby that yields free beer. Music is out of the Question although I'm proud owner of a Banjo. But the neck of that darn thing is simply too narrow for my fingers.

7 hours ago, NCArcher said:

I've always wanted to make my own quiver but haven't had the courage to commit to such a difficult project. One day.

Actually it isn't that difficult. Decoration is unnecessary and then it's either two layers stitched together or a tube.

I opted for two layers and studied some turkish quivers at the Museum before I started drawing. Most quivers have sewn-in Bottoms some don't. I decided to skip box stitching and stuffed the bottom instead with some canvas. Works great.

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 I have always preferred this style of quiver for target archery. Since you only need 6 arrows, you always know exactly how many you have already shot, silent when walking back from the target and easier to sit down in between shots and pack The pocket is large enough to carry essentials. Mine is similar but more of a basketweave holster style. It has a separator of 3 pairs of arrows. This image is from the net. Of course for target archery, my arrows are the diameter of knitting needles.

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The Image reveals the work of a true professional !

I understand your preference. For my own use I've made kind of a Slim Jim holster that holds the five arrows we usually shoot.

I have been thinking about putting a divider into my quasi-turkish quiver. It would look a lot better than the bunched together arrow shafts you see on my first Image. And it makes it a bit more easy to grab a single arrow. But after shooting and pulling my five arrows I don't want to feed every single one into the divider. I simply let the bundle slide in and am ready for the next round.

Of all the turkish quivers I've studied at the museum (it might be a dozen or so) only one is equipped with a divider.

A removable divider wouldn't be bad, I guess.

turkish quiver 01.jpg

turkish quiver 02.jpg

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I may have not been clear but I did not make the quiver I posted, it's similar in design to mine. 


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