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Singer 29k UFA unusual 29k £299

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Dont know anything about it but for collectors of different machines worth a look


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It Is a U.F.A. machine.  They were manufactured from 1878-1894 when Singer changed from names to model numbers  The U.F.A. which stands for universal feed arm became the 29 Class.  The long arm on top is on all U.F.A. machines and the 29 and 29-1.  Not sure on the early K  shoepatchers made in Scotland.  The 29-2 had the first long drive rack on top which replaced the arm.  This machine was made in Kilbowie because the treadle stand is a Kilbowie model vs. the stands made in the US which look a little different and are called the Elizabethport  stand.  Hope that helps.  Nice collectors model.


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Hi all

Its my machine, now all fully working not bad for a machine about 130 years old.

The stitch is as good as my 29k71.

Due to its condition when I purchased it, it had a light coat of spray stating black paint.




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Hallo, ik ben ook in het bezit van een Singer 29 UFA leather patcher.

Ik heb hem vorig jaar gekocht omdat ik hem mooi vond en hij werkt ook nog.

Maar ik heb de indruk dat deze machines zeldzaam zijn .

Heb onlangs een 29K51 aangeschaft maar vind die 29 UFA mooier.



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