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  • Ambassador

Hello all !!

I just started leather woriking a few monthes ago and i've been looking for a forums like this from day one. I'm so happy i found this place. :thumbsup: Thanks you, thank you very much !!

Oh i've got Q's and know i've got a place to ask, awsome !

How i got started : Well i built my own custom mini chopper. I've built everthing on it that i have the tools to do so, from the frame up. So of course i need to do the seat myself. In practice to do the seat i just found a image i liked and tooled it. Then i decided to do a barstool i had in the garage. Lacing and stretching that was a great learning curve. Boy could i of used this site then . lol . Well know i've done 4 barstools. It gets addictive, don't it ? I've learned something new evertime.

Dying seems to be something i have yet to truely get the hang of. So look for lots of Q's there. Staining i think i've got the hang of but, i'de like to use dye.

Anyway i'm the new freak around here and thanks for being here.

  • Members

Welcome to the board.

Im new here as well, but it sounds like we have something in common. Im working on a seat for my bike as well.

You should post some pics of those bar stools. I would like to seem them as I am sure the other members here would also.

Again.. Welcome to the site

  • Members

Hey Freak Welcome to the Board if you don't quit now The addiction could last a lifetime .The leather bug I have is incurable so I have learned to live with it and yes it does get worse. As too dying are you refurring to spirit dyes and every color you think of? If you would like you can see some examples of that on my website and if thats what ya want to do i can point ya in the rite direction and give a little hard earned advice lol Dan http://highcountryleatherart.com/

  • Ambassador

As for the dye, twice i've use the "pro dye" for Tandy LF . The first time i didn't catch that i was useing dye and made a book cover waaaayyy to dark. LOL. Then when i tried it on a barstool i was making I still could not get it the shade i wanted. It seems the more i try to get a even coat the darker the piece gets, which i know that's gonna happen. When i get ready to do my next piece i'll post Q's about it then.

Really, really nice work there Dan !!!

I've only yet to do a handfull of leather work but i'll post a few pics. My hosting for my website seems to be a bit flaky lately. So i'll add a few attachments.

The first being the first piece i did just to see if i could, then a couple barstools.













  • Members

I do believe you have the leather bug and a knack for this. Keep up the good work Dan

  • Moderator

We have more online storage than we will ever need, and are not using even 10% of our bandwidth. Plus, if we ever grow to be HUGE, we can bump up all the limits. No one needs to post pics from remote hosts- just upload the attachments from your own computer. Thank you for sharing your work with us, Freak, and Dan is right about leather-mania! You are now hooked on one of the oldest crafts of man- leatherwork!


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