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Hopefully I'm posting this in the right place. I need help identifying this machine and its capabilities as I have had no luck from Google or the owner. Any help would be great. 



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Looks like  a Consew 206RB. Do a search for the manual, you should be able to find one to download. Basically, it falls into the category of a medium-weight upholstery machine and are very nice machines. Normally would use #69 thread but should handle #138, max thickness under the feet is 3/8". It will sew belts up to that thickness but don't expect to do holsters with it.

The motor is a pretty generic clutch motor. If you're new to using an industrial sewing machine and want to sew leather (which is probably why you're here) then you might want to consider changing it for a servo motor, as clutch motors are fast and require a lot of practice to sew slowly with them.

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Looks like a Seiko or consew 206rb-? Or a clone of one. I am mentioning the Seiko or clones due to the color. It looks like my consew 206rb-1, except the color is different.

Is there a name/serial# plate on the head anywhere? The clutch motor tag doesn't really tell us anything about the head.

It's usually right where that yellow thing is wrapped around.

If it is a Seiko or a consew, and is in good working order it will last a long time. 

And the consew can actually run 207 thread.

An expert will be along soon....

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