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Parts of a cowhide; use of each part?

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Since I'm quite new to this, I cannot really find a literature, which would talk about general use of single parts of a hide.

What are each part used for (shoulder, bend, back-spine, belly and butt)? And what are the thicknessess of those parts by general meaning, where is the most homogen leather compared to other parts, which is the strongest, etc.?


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Working from the cow's backbone - spine - towards the belly; the back bone area is both the thickest, strongest and has virtually no stretch, round the sides a bit the leather is not as thick, still very strong and has a modest amount of stretch, the belly area has the most amount of stretch, not very great strength and tends to be thinner. The shoulders tend to be just slightly less than backbone and slightly more than sides of the cow.

The backbone area is best for belts and straps. The sides for general purpose; wet moulding, wallet making. The belly area is good for women's purses/handbags where they like some stretch for the many things they like to carry or for back-packs. Shoulders are good for gun holsters; its strong and thick but can be modestly wet moulded

As for thickness; most of the leather can be bought at many thickness - its up to the tannery how much they skive it to get to an even all over thickness. But generally backbone is 4.5 mm and thicker, sides are about 3.5mm to about 2.5mm and belly is 3mm to 0.8mm, shoulders are about 3 to 4.5mm

Edited by fredk

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You Sir,

You just gave the best answer I have ever got on any forum (and I'm attending quite few of them!).

This is exactly something I wanted to hear, thank You very much!

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