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Breakaway knot for lanyard

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Has anyone used a breakaway device or knot for a project? I can think of a few projects I'd like to see hold up to light use but break free if it posed any danger to the person wearing it. 

I have the black snaps factory workers wear on their ID badges if I have to use them but I'm trying to keep plastic out of my projects. Has anyone tried an over hand knot on one end and a loop knot on the other end? I'm thinking find just the right tightness that it will hold a few pounds of pressure but slip the loop if caught in a machine. Maybe a wider strap with a slit in one end instead of loop? Also considering just making the lanyard thin enough that the leather would snap at the breaking strain. Thoughts?

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Check out the breakaway buckles for cat collars. They're small, and will pull apart with a bit of strain. Keeps the kitties from hanging themselves. I know that Strapworks has them. 


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In the cowboy business, breakaway is a very important concept.  That's why you see light thongs on the front of chaps and such instead of heavy belts. Maybe you could be a bit more specific if you want more definitive help.  Several options are available and in common usage.

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Saddlebags the first project is just a coin purse the size of a tribal seed bag. It is for my mother in law that refuses to move out of the old neighborhood. If someone mugs her I want it to tear off rather than dislocate her neck. Other projects would be the hammer loop for my revolver holster, I want it to stay in place if I bend the wrong way but if I pulled with let's say 35 plus lbs of force have it pop free. I've seen the hammer loops on a lot of threads here so for now I'm just wondering about the necklace purse, It is small enough that it only holds a few one dollar coins. She likes custom leather and likes to have a few back up dollars on hand for an emergency or if she is at a place that doesn't take cards. 

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So maybe you could use a standard leather knot. Cut a piece of whang leather, fold one end back over itself to make three or four thicknesses, and then make a hole through all thicknesses and pull the running end back through the hole to make the button.  Then use a bag punch or bleed knife (craft knife will work) and make a slit at the length you want it, and push the button through.  You might want to make an interim slit so that the button and loop are in a figure eight when finished.  This is a nice looking way to attach straps that will not carry a heavy load.   Let me know how it works out.

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as for the hammer loop ... For my 357, I make the loop itself, and make the "tail" long so it runs through two TIGHT slots.  Goes in one side and out the other.  Then it hangs free on the outside of the holster between holster and leg.  It slips off easily, but when you holster you weapon, you pull the tail down tight to perform in intended function.

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Thank you, that sounds like a great idea for the necklace coin purse and I think the method your describing for a holster is what I was going to go with, just wasn't sure if held well enough for repeated use. 

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Well. I'm not Wyatt Earp, so I don't carry all the time, but I do many times when I'm way out in the weeds.  I have never needed the breakaway feature, but the hammer loop works fine.

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