Moderator Johanna Posted August 30, 2006 Moderator Report Posted August 30, 2006 School just started for my kids, and I've been busy putting together a website for special leather tools. It's about to go online, so I've been a little busy lately. I have too many PMs to answer, so I am just going to post. First of all, I would like to apologize for not answering all the PMs. It is not a lack of interest or appreciation for your kind words. You folks are wonderful, and the mail reminds me every day why I set this board up for us. If you asked for the adult area, I probably just changed you, and didn't reply. If you aren't seeing it, try clearing your temp files, or logging on and off the forum. If you still don't see it, PM me again, I will fix you and reply. I don't think I missed anybody, but I never claimed to be perfect! About my ribs- I did not wreck on a motorcycle or anything nearly so dramatic. I seem to have a premature osteoporosis, and have had two or three sets of rib fractures this summer- a grand total of 15 "hot spots" on 8 different ribs. There wasn't "one" incident, there were several, and this has been going on since March. I'm healing well from the last set and trying very hard not to do break anything else. All summer I have been very short of breath (I cannot imagine how bad this would be for someone who hadn't been singing all her life!) and (extra) cranky and irritable. Those of you who have had broken ribs (and some of you have written to me with very good advice, and I thank you!) know that you can't get comfortable, and just have to wait it out. Thank you to everyone who expressed their concern and their good wishes. I will try to stay in one piece, at least until after the show. Some of you offered your expertise in helping out with forum administration. Dsenette did that and wound up with a job, and he still hasn't gotten the picture I can't take of myself. (Dave, you'll get it by email- LOL) I will take you up on offers for help when the forum gets a little bigger, and I am glad some of you care enough to want to help. I also want to remind everyone that there is NO charge to belong to this forum, but we know and appreciate the ones who believed in the idea enough to chip in. Right now, your posts are more valuable than your dollars. Something you post may help another leatherworker, or lead someone here who wants to buy something from a leatherworker. Post your hearts out- you aren't cluttering anyone's mailbox, all members are selectively reading. We have some of the best leatherworkers in the world here, which is why I don't understand why so few people are posting their website address in their profiles or signatures? Show off, folks!! The web spiders have exceeded my wildest expectations, and this board is getting an average of 150 guest visits from search engines A DAY, and we're brand new. Use it to promote your business, please- no leatherworkers will ever be discouraged from promoting their business on this board. You can talk shop with peers, and Google visitors may call you with jobs. It doesn't get any better than this! Some of you would like to schedule regular times to use the chat room, and I've asked (twisted a few arms) some people to offer to discuss their work and experience, but we need to agree on times, remembering that we are from all over the world. You can always contact your friends via the board and invite them to chat, too- and you can make your rooms private or public. I will be glad to help anyone who is experiencing any technical difficulty. It would be great to see it being used for teaching or fellowship, so does anyone want to organize this? PM me. Candyleather- I have started to answer your message 10 times, and always get interrupted. I will be in touch- we have lots to talk about, I can tell. Thanks to everyone who looked in on Wes when I asked. I never doubted that you guys would let him down, and you didn't. By being willing to share your experience and advice, he got the information he needs to succeed, and with luck, he'll like this work we love so much, that he'll stick around. Each one, teach one, and you guys are the greatest. Reminder- the IFoLG show is coming up in October. Someone want to start a thread about who is going? It would be great to put faces with names, wouldn't it? I'll be there- I am bringing a donation from Billy 2-shews ("The Legacy", a tribute to Al & Ann Stohlman that Billy did). Pittsburgh is my hometown, so if you have questions or need a hand during the show, I'll be on hand with the Pitt Pounders to do whatever I can. Now the not so good stuff: I've had two complaints from people who don't like other people. In your control panel, you can choose to "ignore" people you don't like, or don't want to receive mail from. There posts will never appear to you while you are logged in. I don't want to step in the middle of anyone's issues, so as long as you are posting in a family friendly way on the main board, you're not going to hear from me. If the other members choose to "ignore" you, that's your problem. If you want to cause trouble, go somewhere else, because we can identify you through your IP address and ban you, and though I hope it never comes to that, I will if things ever get ugly. We are here to learn and have fun, not fight.If you're not sure that your comments are appropriate for the public forum, they probably aren't, so send the person a PM, or get a good night's sleep. Like I tell my (rotten) kids- play nice and don't run with scissors. There's been a death in my family, and I am headed home to Pittsburgh for a funeral, but I'll have my laptop and will check in over the weekend. One of my favorite uncles died, and left behind his wife of 57 years. If you are fortunate enough to still have your spouse, please hug him or her a little extra tonight in memory of my Uncle Johnny. If you pray, please ask God to keep his steady hand on my aunt's shoulder. Thank you all, and I'm over and out. Johanna Quote
Members Stan Posted October 5, 2013 Members Report Posted October 5, 2013 Johanna, We all feel for you and share your sorrow. Stan Quote
Contributing Member rdb Posted October 5, 2013 Contributing Member Report Posted October 5, 2013 Sometimes, we have to remind our friends that they are the treasure, not the stuff they do. Quote
Members wolfe9 Posted October 7, 2013 Members Report Posted October 7, 2013 Sorry to hear that you have been having such a bad time & my prayers go out to you for your loss Quote
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