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I would like to improve my leather carving and I was looking into getting a better swivel knife but I am not sure which maker to go with I was looking at the barry king ones but I wasnt sure what barrel size to choose all I have right now is the rubber one from tandy and I dont feel comfortable with it thanks for and help or info in advance 

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Barry King is a good choice, but there are a lot of excellent makers. Chuck Smith, Leather Wrangler, Henley , Clay Miller, etc.  they all make good knives and blades. Bob Beard pro series is top shelf also.  In my opinion barrel size depends on what you are carving and personal preference. I like a 3/8” barrel for Sheridan and floral carving, you can turn tight curves better, for long straight lines a larger barrel and blade is easier to use I also prefer a 1/4” straight blade for the Sheridan carving,  but it really all comes down to personal preference.  If you can hold and use some different sizes that may help.  A lot is also what you get use too.  Hope that is of some help.

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Don't have any specific recommendations, but I will offer a couple of things for you to ponder.  You don't say WHY you aren't comfortable with what you are using.  Is it the feel of it?  Does it not behave in a manner you find agreeable?

Is the problem the blade?  As you know there are several types of blades, degrees of slant, ceramic, etc.  Is your blade sharp?  

If the blade is not the issue, is it the feel of the knife that bothers you?  Is it the action of the knife?  Does it not swivel in a controlled manner?  \

Lots of stuff to consider before maybe jumping in and buying another one and finding it doesn't work for you either.

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