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Axis Patchers long arm and short arm

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Hello group,  I'm hoping to get my cb4500 on line that Bob sold me in less than 2 weeks.  We had to get three crates shipped overseas and I have received 2 with the 3rd on the way so very excited with my fingers crossed from a gent who has been helping me with shipping.  The head is here, most of the table, just need the motor, hand wheel and some odds and ends parts.  We have a good 112w-139 compound feed also purchased from Bob and a circa 1915 45k1 bought locally.  I was offered an 1800's patcher and love vintage machines but am likely going to pass as I need something I can rely on especially if I want to go up to size 138 thread and the longer 18 inch arm with the heavier bobbin.  Read a post about a long arm Adler and how exceptional this machine was on a motor up to 138 used for small production runs.  Ran across a company on a famous auction website called Axis.  They make a long and short arm and I'm not sure about the different bobbin sizes yet.  Does anyone have experience with the Cowboy long arm large bobbin or the Axis machines?  Best regards, Mike Kendall

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Hey Mike,

 It can be hit or miss on new patchers it took us a few manufactures to find one that was built right.I've never heard of Axis before but then there is always new names coming into the market.It is best to stay away from older machines because you won't be able to find parts if needed.














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Hi Bob,  You confirmed many of my suspicions.  Are the newer Cowboy 29 clone patcher with 18 inch arm and heavy bobbin white or grey?  I'd like to get a matching color to the cb-4500 that you sold me already.  I know that sounds vain likely but they'd be installed next to one another.  That cb-4500 is a great looking and working machine.  We have a drop down roller guide coming and the serrated under feed dogs.  We'll take it a step at a time from there.  Best regards, Mike

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