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8 strand round edge braid: how do you do corners and how do you end?

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I’d like to use this braid as the stitching on a tote and am trying to figure out how to go around the corners and the best way to end the braid. 

Thank you in advance for any advice! 


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Posted (edited)

 Now realizing that you are using a different braid than I use ...I have some correcting and editing to do to my initial post. I referring to using the edge braid on Grant's page 299.

 I have braided around corners many times. What I do is mark the holes in a straight line to and from the corner, then I indent the corner hole a bit and braid around the corner like it isn't there. 

 In regards to the ending of this braid ...if you are using a single lace in a forward three holes, back two ...with the tucks = when you come to the end you continue just by going forward two and back one using the same tucks.

Edited by braider
correcting and editing

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