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Trying to locate Mid Century Chicago Screws for Chair Repair

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New here - hope this is the right place to post!

I am refurbishing a leather sling Bruno Mathsson for Dux Jetson chair from the 1960's. I have a quilted seat cushion attached to the leather sling of the chair via standard steel grommets with a 3/8" hole. In order to attach the grommets to one another, the chair had some sort of Chicago Screw that secured them. I only have 3 of these, but am needing a total of 12. 

I don't mind straying from the original, my only trouble is that I need something with a head of 12-14mm, which has been absolutely impossible to find. I am attaching images of the original screw - a sort of tunnel with serrated edge. Is this even a Chicago screw? Or some sort of screw grommet? All assistance is appreciated!


Screen Shot 2019-12-06 at 10.02.54 AM.png

Screen Shot 2019-12-06 at 10.02.29 AM.png

Screen Shot 2019-12-06 at 10.03.09 AM.png

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What a job you've taken on :) 

Have you tried contacting ' Dux Jetson' themselves?



 They may have a contact to someone that has spares for these chairs?  No harm in asking eh?

You  may have to do a bit of ground work on the 'interwebiverse ' on  this one . 

Or you could do a simple search: ' screw posts 12mm ' ? 

Good luck :) 


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Welcome to the forum, @studio6f. Consider adding your approximate location to your profile, so that people can make locally-appropriate responses.

Depending on budget, I'd try to find someone local with a lathe. Preferably a retired person or other hobbyist, rather than a proper machine shop as they will probably be more amenable to a job like this and you might be able to pay with goods or services rather than money.

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