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Freak's Koi

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I really dig seeing japanese design tattoos. When they are done by someone who is really good at it. I've seen some really bad one. Anyway, I've wanted to tool one for sometime now and i also thought what a great chance to test the different colors of the eco-flo dye. Now i'm not sure i want to dye it.

I know i need to start doing some tooling or i'll never get any better. So i was doing this just for practice but, figured i'de go ahead and post it. My drawings i did of a koi fish tattoo design where coming up short, very. I need to start drawing more again also. After finding something i really liked and getting permission from the artist, i'll post what i have so far.

This is by far the most carving and tooling i've done on one project.

It's on a piece that's 10"X 8"



Edited by freak

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Hey Freak,

That's really nice! I think it's the best carving you have done yet, at least that I have seen. You've got good shading and it looks like you've got good depth. I think it really helps when your design is something that you really like.

I know what you mean about coloring too. When I carve a project that turns out pretty good, it's always scary to think about messing it up with color, but it's something you have to do if you want to get good at it.


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Lovely job Freak,

I love it the way it is now, but I think color would look really good on this particular piece. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Can't wait to see it finished.


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i too am a big fan of japanese style prints (like the koi etc)...that one's really nice...speaking from an art standard...not a leather standard as i've got no basis for critiquing such things

as far as a japanese koi goes you've got the lines and the proportions right....i tend to like the big fat head koi that look best as tattoos...and that one's got a "gert noggin on im"..i like it

also nice work on the waves....sometimes the japanese waves can get some pretty funky lines and things in them...and can look really wonky when you draw them incorrectly...you got the proportions right on those as well

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Awesome! You may want to retract your statement a few days ago about having done nothing worthy of entering the show in Oct, Great Piece Dan

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Great job Freak. Can't wait to see it colored.

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Wow, great work. I like it, I like it a lot.

I'm the same way with the carving, I think about it a lot but don't do it very often. very nice work though, I just may be inspired.


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Dude, you nailed it. Can't wait to see it colored.

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Thank you all very much. Got home late and whooped tonite. I'll start adding some color when i get a chance. Not sure what colors i want to do it in yet.

Just to make sure this is clear. This was not my design. I tried about 10 time to draw a nice koi and design to go with it but nothing i did was even close to as nice as this one. I looked for about a month and compared 30 something pictures , tattoos, art and tattoo design that i liked. Then picked this one and messaged the designer for permission. She said cool and i said thanks.

I wish i had an airbrush to dye this with. I'll use a brush and a lite hand and hope for the best. Either way i'm gonna be doing more of this style. I really like it and i enjoyed doing this one ,,,,so far.

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Hey guy,

That looks GREAT! I agree with the coloring fears. I'm the same way. As a suggestion, if you have or can make time available from Oct. 18-21 the IFoLG is in Fort Worth this year and Tony Laier, Jim Linnell, Peter Main and Akiko Okada are doing classes at the show on coloring techniques. Akiko does some beautiful Japanese leather artwork and coloring. I'd love to see your work entered in the competition.

Where are you located in Texas? Drop me a note at <front_line42@yahoo.com> and I'll send you information on the classes and show registration.

Keep up the good work!


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Thank you JohnK, i'm about a 1-1/2 hours away from Ft.Worth and plain on making the show. Not sure about taking any classes though, although i'de love to take some if not all of them.

I really wanted to do a multi shading of blue but, then chose to do a more traditional style of bright colors. I think i'm still going to add just a very light touch of white on a few edges and tips of the waves. I'm out of white right now and they don't have white in the "eco-flo" brand. So it will be the only dye used that is not eco-flo.

As you'll see on the tail there is a splash/dot of the violet dye. While i was putting the last coat of violet on, the whole tip of my brush came off and fell right there. That's my life and i'm use to it. I'm just not sure how to "cover it up". The only thing i can think of is to carve it into a water drop/splash. My 6 year old daughter replied ,"it's ok dad, you can just add my spots to the fish".

Anyway here it is as it sits now.



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Great work Freak, luv the design. Been wanting a Koi on my calf for a while, mind if I use your design? You have a good hand, now go to the next level and do the dragon.

Keep on Smilin


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GREAT FISH FREAK !! I'm with you as far as turning that spot into a water drop. If it had to happen it couldn't be in a better place. I'm sure most of us has had to adjust for things like that . I know I have more than once and once again nice job. :specool:

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Again thank you all for you kind words. I think the camera might make it look better then it is but my wife says i'm always hard on myself(wow that didn't sound rite). Don't get me wrong i love the way it turned out and i can't wait to start another one.

Few things- There is no orange in the eco-flo so i fixed my own. I used sunshine yellow and scarlet with a 8 to 1 mix. One of the things i've really noticed about using the eco-flo dyes is the penetration ,or lack of where ever a tool has been used . Mostly where a beveler has been used. If you look at the un-dyed piece you can see the shading pretty well. When you use the eco-flo dye instead of darking these areas they turn out lighter in color. More like a highlighter . I had to add a little color in these areas. I also did about 4-5 coats of each color.

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Great work Freak, luv the design. Been wanting a Koi on my calf for a while, mind if I use your design? You have a good hand, now go to the next level and do the dragon.

Keep on Smilin


This was not my design but one i found on the internet. I have tracked down the artist and she gave me permission to post my piece. I'm sure she'll love it if someone inked her tattoo design. I'll be happy to give you her info and send you the pic in black/white like she did it.

GREAT FISH FREAK !! I'm with you as far as turning that spot into a water drop. If it had to happen it couldn't be in a better place. I'm sure most of us has had to adjust for things like that . I know I have more than once and once again nice job. :specool:

I'm just not sure how to carve and tool it now that it has dye on it. Mostly cause this is water based dye. I'm thinking i can add a heavy coat of yellow again to get the area wet then do it slow and easy.

WoW! Talking about kicking it up a notch. I think I'll go hide in a dark corner until i get skilled.

Why hello kettle. Allow me to move over and share my dark unskilled corner with you. :rofl:

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This was not my design but one i found on the internet. I have tracked down the artist and she gave me permission to post my piece. I'm sure she'll love it if someone inked her tattoo design. I'll be happy to give you her info and send you the pic in black/white like she did it.

I'm just not sure how to carve and tool it now that it has dye on it. Mostly cause this is water based dye. I'm thinking i can add a heavy coat of yellow again to get the area wet then do it slow and easy.

Why hello kettle. Allow me to move over and share my dark unskilled corner with you. :rofl:

wow :specool:

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IT'S DONE !!!!! I'm gonna put a frame around it and call it done. It's been a few years since i've done any wood or steel work i just might make a frame.

Anyway i did go back and add a line of white to the edgse of the waves and the scales. I think it added a nice little touch.

Again thank you all for your comments, mucho appreciated !!

Ur friendly neighborhood freak



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Great job freak. The colors are so vivid, and make the piece come alive.


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Freak, that is one of my favorite things I've seen posted on this forum. Can't wait to see what you come up with next!


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Thank you one and all. It's a good feeling to be able to post on a forums with so much talent as this one. It can be a little intimidating for a greenhorn like myself sometimes. This is the first thing i've done that i really feel good about.

Freak, that is one of my favorite things I've seen posted on this forum. Can't wait to see what you come up with next!


Kate you are far to kind and i thank you for it. That's a HUGE complement and i think it just gave me some braggin rights. :thumbsup:


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WOW!! VERY VERY IMPRESSIVE!!! :notworthy: I love the colors you used and the shading work on the water is just WOW!


IT'S DONE !!!!! I'm gonna put a frame around it and call it done. It's been a few years since i've done any wood or steel work i just might make a frame.

Anyway i did go back and add a line of white to the edgse of the waves and the scales. I think it added a nice little touch.

Again thank you all for your comments, mucho appreciated !!

Ur friendly neighborhood freak

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I have to ask a question if I may.. Ok, I know this thread is like 2 years old but still got to ask LOL..

if I may say - HOLY FREAKAZOID Batman! thats Freaking incredible! ;)

anyways, I do actually have a question..

In looking at the non colored and the colored versions I notice that details really pop in the colored. When I look at the colored am I seeing what appears to be reverse tooling? (I was told about reverse tooling is basically doing some work from the back side of the piece to give raised sections to the leather. As example, when looking at the head, there appears to be a couple of spots of raised detail. Of course that could just be an area that didnt get tooled, but it looks soooo smooth!

Hope the thread is not to old! ;)


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