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Looking for wallet pattern

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Hey friends! Im looking for a pattern for the wallet attached. I think it's 3.5 x 4 inches and requires no stitching. Figure it would be a fun weekend project to work on :)


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Suggest you take a piece of paper in the suggested size and work it out yourself.  Pattern-making isn't really that difficult.  And you learn by doing it and get better at it.  Some people don't have the imagination required I guess, while others can simply look at something and recreate it.  But like any skill, no matter whether you start, you can get better.

Also, do you have pictures of the interior?  Does it have pockets?  Are there flaps on the long edges that fold over?  Those details matter.

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Also, instead of leaning heavily/copying someone else's design, there are many free wallet patterns out on the interwebs to choose from. There are even more for small fees ($5 here and there) that you will own the rights to sell the items that you make from it. After all, we are looking out for each other here too, right? Some are even no-sew versions. Try pinterest too, there are some up there too.

I recommend Nigel Armitage's wallet pack and anything from Dieselpunk.ro. Dieselpunk.ro has a free wallet on his site right now.

Edited by battlemunky
I don't edit worth a crap before I hit submit, only after!

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