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Sewing Through Water Base Contact Cement

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Not sure if this should be here or "Sewing Leather" but I'm opting for this because my question is machine specific.

I have some Renia Aquilim SG water based contact cement. I like it but it seems to stay "tacky" or "gummy" for quite a while.  I'm on my first sewing machine and I don't want to gum things up. Does anyone have any experience sewing through this stuff?



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You did not say what make and model your sewing machine is. However, if it is a walking foot mahine that uses System 135x16 or 135x17 needles, you should buy tiotanium needles to avoid or reduce gumming up the needle's eye. The same advice applies when sewing through seam tape.

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Sorry about that, Wiz. It's a TechSew 4800 and it does use 135X16 needles.

I'll see what I can rustle up. I haven't had a lot of success finding anything but Organ needles here in Canada and right now that's as far as my needle experience goes. I'm going to track some titanium needles down somewhere and use it as an opportunity to order some other types/brands of needles as well. I'd like to experiment with different points, to see what they look like. Are there any things I should and shouldn't do with twist or chisel type points?



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8 minutes ago, Arturomex said:

Sorry about that, Wiz. It's a TechSew 4800 and it does use 135X16 needles.

I'll see what I can rustle up. I haven't had a lot of success finding anything but Organ needles here in Canada and right now that's as far as my needle experience goes. I'm going to track some titanium needles down somewhere and use it as an opportunity to order some other types/brands of needles as well. I'd like to experiment with different points, to see what they look like. Are there any things I should and shouldn't do with twist or chisel type points?



A quick Google search revealed many hits for System 135x16 titanium needles for sale in Canada, including these: Ebay.ca

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I may be wrong, but isn't Renia SG their water-based rubber cement substitute? I used to used Renia 315, which is their water-based neoprene. One of the reasons I stopped using was the gumminess and it took a long time to dry enough that I could sew it. I would imagine that the SG is even gummier.

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Another way to sew through gummy glue is by running the top thread through a lube pot filled with liquid silicon. It is not 100% foolproof but better than sewing dry. Or, if you don't have a lube pot, use Weaver bonded thread which is heavily lubed already.

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