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Singer 29K-58 repairs

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For those of you who know how to repair Singer 29K machines, are the parts I’m pointing at with the red arrows the parts I need to fix the sloppy stitch length of my Singer 29K-58? 

There are a couple of videos on YouTube on restoring a Singer 29K-33, and Singer 29K-51. On both of these videos they show removing the balance wheel and the drive wheel? Is removing this piece necessary to remove the section of the machine that houses the parts I need to replace?



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Whilst I cannot answer your question , there is a lot of information in previous posts available if you use the search bar for "singer 29K" include the commers

This is one post that relates to one mans repair of the stitch length 


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NO, Do not have to remove the balance wheel  

You have to remove the end of the head to get to the bellcrank and ring.  The tapered pin that holds the needle bar to the piston has to be driven out from back to front. That frees up the needle bar.  Now remove the 4 screws that hold the end of the head on to the major part of the head.  Do it slowly and make sure you are holding the head so it does not drop when you unscrew the last screw.


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