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Up the "Dilly"

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This'll need some explaining to those not familiar with "Sarf London"

A policeman came across a young lad of about 10yrs old loitering around the Dilly (Piccadilly Circus in London. A known haunt of ladies of the night).

The policeman said "Are you on yer own son?". The boy replied "Yeah why?". - "Well you're a bit young to be around here on yer own, what yer doing here anyway?"

"I'm looking for a prostitute" says the boy. The policeman trying not to look shocked said,  "And what would you want with a prostitute?"

"Well if I can find a prostitute, I'll "do"  her and then I'll catch a dose of the Tilburies. (Tilbury Docks, pox). Do keep up.

"And then I'll go home and "Do" the maid and she'll catch a dose of the Tilburies.

Then my dad will "Do" the maid and he'll catch a dose of the Tilburies. Then he'll "Do" my mum and she'll catch a dose of the Tilburies.

Then my mum will "Do the gardener and he'll catch a dose of the Tilburies,

And I want him to suffer cos that bastard killed my Goldfish.

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now thats funny!

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