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I have read here before that leatherworkers put tape on the back of pieces that they are tooling so as to keep the piece's size/shape from distorting. I was just wandering what kind of tape works the best. I can tell you it most certainly isn't painters tape (its what I had readily available and I figured it would come off easily) as by the time I finished tooling a belt the backing piece no longer matched the front (tooled). This then cause the groove made for the stitches to become wonky... I ended up not stitching it and laced the whole belt with roo lacing instead.. This was a blessing in disguise as I think it ended up looking better in the long run..

Attached are pics of the belt. The buckle was my mothers from when she was in High School in the 60s (I think).

Belt 2.jpg

Belt 3.jpg

Belt 4.jpg

Belt 1.jpg

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Think a sec. If the tape's removable, then the adhesive isn't that strong, and weak adhesive's going to be naff all use holding leather to something capable of resisting hammering. Find what works for you and perfect it, and if stick-back plastic works for them, miracles still happen.


Clear 3M packing tape will keep the leather from stretching.  I also sometimes just rubber cement the leather to an old plastic place mat.  When you finish carving peel it off and glue residue rubs off pretty easy.


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