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New Sewing Machine

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We are looking at new sewing machines that will be able to sew with a v138 thread. Ideally we would like a new machine but are trying not to spend thousands of dollars, a hefty ask I know. We did find the Sailrite Fabricator but again that's up there in price. Does anyone know of a machine that will handle this thick of thread that is under the $1000 mark? We did find a Rex machine on Amazon but that has mixed reviews about the v138 thread. Any advise or guidance is greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Stephen

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5 hours ago, StephenE said:

looking at new sewing machines that will be able to sew with a v138 thread.

The main problem with your request is you haven't said what you are planning on sewing or what country you are in. Without that info it is very difficult to recommend a machine and whether a cylinder bed or a flatbed would be best suited to your needs. You mentioned the Sailrite Fabricator, which if I am not mistaken is a modified clone of the flatbed Singer 111w and in the upholstery class of machines. I would first recommend buying a brand name like a Juki 1541S within this class or if that is out of your price range maybe something like a Consew 206RB-5. Finding a new upholstery class machine under $1000 is not going to happen.

The Rex you mentioned from Amazon is, I assume a portable walking foot machine which do have their place but were designed mainly for repairing sail material offshore.  Within the portable walking foot machines you also have the Sailrite LSZ, Reliable Barracuda to name a couple of other options.

The under $1000 mark for an industrial machine really leaves you to the used market.


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I guess the large number of people on this forum who use sewing machines have old machines from the popular makes that are well over 50 years old and many over 100 years old with little or no problems. thats not to say all are 100% good buys, must most appear to be and good checks on purchase and advice on this forum should be able to help you choose a appropriate second-hand model

Look at Wiz post on this forum to know what to look for 


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