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Scratch One More ...

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Just back from the Tandy store in Des Moines. Looked around a good bit ... amazing how the stuff just keeps getting cheaper and cheaper quality - and the price just keeps going up. Recently been to the Tandy stores in St Paul and Bloomington, MN, too ... same deal.

In the end, I picked up ONE double shoulder (I wouldn't ordiinarily waste a trip for just one) as it was the only one in a stack of about 20 that I would give money for. I did see one other GOOD hide down there, but at over $11.00 a foot I'm thinking the stuff should carve itself.

Oh, well .... guess I'll save the money for the wholesale club renewal that would have been coming up...

Now, to find a rational supplier before it gets where I need it NOW ...

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Just back from the Tandy store in Des Moines. Looked around a good bit ... amazing how the stuff just keeps getting cheaper and cheaper quality - and the price just keeps going up. Recently been to the Tandy stores in St Paul and Bloomington, MN, too ... same deal.

In the end, I picked up ONE double shoulder (I wouldn't ordiinarily waste a trip for just one) as it was the only one in a stack of about 20 that I would give money for. I did see one other GOOD hide down there, but at over $11.00 a foot I'm thinking the stuff should carve itself.

Oh, well .... guess I'll save the money for the wholesale club renewal that would have been coming up...

Now, to find a rational supplier before it gets where I need it NOW ...

Sorry, I will never in my lifetime slam Tandy. They have been good to me for many years. Sure they have some tools etc. that aren't as good as they were 50 years ago when I bought most of mine.

I fail to see all the crying about the quality of their leather. Oh BTW: I have never paid $11.00 a foot for any leather from them.

I have bought some leather not so good and lots of it that has been top notch. I have done the same thing when I bought HO.

It must be that it is Halloween. LOL


Edited by 50 years leather

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Yeah, times do change, I s'pose. I used to buy ALL my leather down there when it was The Leather Factory (BEFORE it became "Tandy Leather Factory"). Mail ordered it all, with never a problem. Gotta wonder, though, which of those hides they woulda sent if I wasn't there to pick it out myself. Top 1 or two hides on each pallet had BOOT PRINTS, like we just go ahead and walk across it when it's convenient. Several hides down had INK, like the square footage markings from the hide UNDER that one wasn't dry, and leached onto the next one.

So, I didn't think I was "crying" .. but in case I was, at least I know it'll be the last time :)

Oh, I've never paid $11+, either ... I left those at the store :) The one I bought was a little over $6/ft but ... sadly ... I couldn't find another one in the 8/9 oz pile I was willing to use. For my money ...



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