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Singer 108W 31

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Hi all, my first post so be gentle,

Ihave the opportunity to buy a singer 108 w31 machine.the seller does not seem to know much about it and i havent seen it yet.Can anyone tell me about this machine and what weight leather it is suitable to sew.He did say it may be a hem stitcher as i understood it,if so is it still suitable to be a straight stitcher.Thank in advance for any advice.


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I have seen a 108, but don't remember the w number. The only reason I remember it is that it looked like a 153 variant, but threaded right to left. If I remember correctly, it was set up with a binder. All that being said, I would give it a pass. It would PROBABLY do light weight leather, 4 or 5 oz shoe leather with a 2 oz binding, so say 8 oz. Just speculating. Given the right to left threading, it would have a special hook, probably made of unobtanium.


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Art is correct they use these alot for lightweight binding,the largest thread is #69 & they won't sew very heavy,They were made for lightweight work like underwear binder in cloth .They also use them for sew hat bands on.


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I have just come into a stock pile of unobtanium! Got it in a US Gov auction. Had to choose between two lots - the other lot was labelled Area 51 skeletal remains.


Art is correct they use these alot for lightweight binding,the largest thread is #69 & they won't sew very heavy,They were made for lightweight work like underwear binder in cloth .They also use them for sew hat bands on.


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Ok guys,thanks for quick replies,i will give this one a miss but still worth going to see this bloke as he had a leather shop and has other gear as well but has now closed and has a flat full and wants to clear.


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