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cowboy bowhunter

Singer 97-10 Reducer.

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Does anyone have any pictures of a reducer for a 97-10.

My machine is missing stitches at slow speeds but is perfect at fast speeds. Is that because i need a reducer?



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Cowboy bowhunter,

Send us some pics of the machine so we can see how it is set up.


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I can post pictures tomorrow.

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We really need some video of this machine in action. There is no good video of a 97-10 on YouTube.

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W/o knowing the machine I´d assume it is a needle / hook timing problem.

I would like to see this machine in action as well!!!

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My machine is missing stitches at slow speeds but is perfect at fast speeds. Is that because i need a reducer?

To answer this question - no, adding a reducer won't affect the way the machine stitches.

Have you checked for wear throughout the machine? Does the shuttle carrier have any play in it if you try to rotate it while holding the hand wheel still? Is the point of the shuttle worn?

What type and size of needle are you using?

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Al is right, its nothing to do with a speed reducer, that will only make it go slower, however I wouldn't like to run a 97 without one. Missing stitches can be many things, for example... top tension to tight, wrong needle to thread sizes, timing, hook worn and so on....

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