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A Couple Of Guitar Straps That I Made

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That piece has been on consignment in a friends shop for the last three years and still hasn't sold. Oh well. Thank you.

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Have you gone to see it lately Solo? I hear from some here that Consignments are not the way to go because they get shop worn. I would pull it and sell it on Etsy or Ebay.

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Good idea. Thanks. I have an Etsy account but haven't put anything up there yet.

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I know your proud of what you make and have made. But i really don't want to see everything you have ever made and i don't mean that in a bad way so please don't take it that way.

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I know and I'm sorry. I got similar feedback from other people and have ceased my posts.

I'm learning the hard way about forum post etiquette.

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I think showing your work, whether it be 1 piece or everything you do, helps others on here attempt to find there way in this wonderful hobby, business, time killer or craft. Whatever you call it. And if you don't want to see everything a person makes, you can also choose to not open the thread. Not trying to stir the pot, but you make a choice to open or not open a thread. Keep showing us your work. Never be discouraged. By the way love the second strap.

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I like seeing what other people make ! But when i look on a page and every thing on it is from one person showing the same thing but a different color or design it gets old. I really doubt you would want to see every thing i have made the last couple of weeks because a lot of it the same thing but a different color or has a different pattern on it. Or i started putting pictures of every thing i have made over the last 25 years that would get old in a hurry to.

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I get it dirtclod. I heard you the first time and anything I post in the future will be in my own gallery or an occasional single post to a forum like this just like everyone is doing. I was 'showing off' like the forum is titled for visibility because this is my first time on any forum and was excited to get my stuff out there to be seen, and I now know the proper way to do it after you and other people brought it to my attention. There will be no more mass postings on a forum from here on out.

And thank you coiledup for your support. Awesome words.

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I like those guitar straps ! ;)

care to put a picture of the underside? i am curious about how it 's attached

i can understand the point of view of each "clan"

i can understand that a "load" of posts in 1 shot from the same guy is overwhelming but as it's been said above : you're free to open or not the thread....

As for me : i ve got 1, 2 or 3 different posts (saddles, tack and "other stuff" and i try to post my new things in the corresponding thread and not posting a new post each time.....

so that it s kind of "clean" and sorted out without overwhelming people and people are free to follow it or not

Keep going , i am happy to look at your job

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Nice stuff Kevin! Just start dropping everything you make into the designed categories. There is a section for guitar straps.

Stop giving Kevin crap!!!!

He is new here and a cool dude!!! We all have to learn the ropes of this craft together!

And the site is quite large and a huge data base of knowledge! So it takes time to learn the program!

Rock on Kevin!

Edited by chancey77

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I dont agree with Dirtclod, and this is an open forum for all to see and do... if that person doesnt want to look, dont open the thread. You never know who your going to help with any single post. I think the request to not post is unfair, its unreasonable and a bit selfish. and you may even lose some help. someone may see one post over another and have help with some you didnt even notice. thats my 2 cents.

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I get it dirtclod. I heard you the first time and anything I post in the future will be in my own gallery or an occasional single post to a forum like this just like everyone is doing. I was 'showing off' like the forum is titled for visibility because this is my first time on any forum and was excited to get my stuff out there to be seen, and I now know the proper way to do it after you and other people brought it to my attention. There will be no more mass postings on a forum from here on out.

And thank you coiledup for your support. Awesome words.

My repliey was for / to coiledup.

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I love the straps and don't care how many things you post. I make guitar straps so I opened this post. I may not open the next one of yours depending on the topic. Post whenever you want Kevin. Cheryl

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I personally have enjoyed the numerous posts, it was good to see the variety of projects you have completed, in my opinion, it is a forum to show off your work and you have done so. Everyone has the choice to look or not. I personally have viewed most of them, carry on posting and keep up the good work.

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I dont agree with Dirtclod, and this is an open forum for all to see and do... if that person doesnt want to look, dont open the thread. You never know who your going to help with any single post. I think the request to not post is unfair, its unreasonable and a bit selfish. and you may even lose some help. someone may see one post over another and have help with some you didnt even notice. thats my 2 cents.

No where i did say not to post. What i said was i didn't want to see every thing he had ever made. I counted 21 post of his showing things he had made. One page was nothing but things he had made.

I use veiw new content button in the top right hand corner of all of the pages and it shows every thing that has been posted. Now i looked in each form i would of never seen any of them because i don't go to the show off part.

Now if any of you think i'm some kind of cyber bully report me to a moderator !!

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It's all good. No hard feelings between anybody please?! I understand where everyone is coming from, and I'm cool with dropping it. I will post in short bursts in the future. It doesn't bother me. Nobody needs to be reported. I thank everyone for sticking up for me, and didn't intend on starting a war. I'm new to this community, and would like it to stay as a community. If you work with leather, you're cool in my book. Take care everyone, and thank you for the warm welcome.

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I like to look at ideas, keep em coming, as a newb to leatherwork, I like it. No offense to anyone.

You should be on some of the detailing sites or reloading sites. those can get old. "what is your favorite .45acp load?" um, which thread, do a search!!!!!

"how do I get swirls out of my paint?" um, search please!!!!!!!

Keep em coming.

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My repliey was for / to coiledup.

Funny thing about posting on a public forum... You comments unless addressed to the person before you say it, is directed to everyone. Even if you point a particular person to it, it gets read and commented about by everyone. So sorry dirtclod, you were talking to everyone.

It is my personal opinion that if you want to post every thing you have ever made then do so. If I dont want to see it I am a big boy and have the ability to not click on it to see it. I can scroll on past. Everything posted is an inspiration to someone. At the same time it might be an irritation to another. The irritated ones should grow up and move on.

Just sayin....

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