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    Carving/stamping, hand stitching, small projects. Unconventional dyes for veg tan.

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    Dying veg tan with household materials; sources of leather and hardware that will ship here in small quantities at reasonable cost.
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    Searching for information about home made dyes.

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  1. Yesterday I applied a few drops to one corner & got a very light gray. Maybe using a foam brush or dipping the leather might give me a better result. In any case I’m going to let the mix sit another week.
  2. I just started my first batch, using your recipe. Wish me luck! Any guesses whether this will work on natural color veg tan if a few spots were previously colored with alcohol art markers- vermilion, burgundy & green? I’m hopeful it will blacken the colored areas as well.
  3. Kara, there are two levels of problems with shipping here by Amazon. Some vendors do not ship here, others do. But the second are government import regulations. I'm wondering if the government considers leather dye environmentally sensitive because of the VOCs. I've also noticed that no one will ship contact cement here via Amazon, perhaps for the same reason. Knives are another sensitive issue. No one will ship a skiving knife here because Israel is very fussy over what knives are allowed in the country.
  4. I had a similar problem some years ago with yellow dye bleeding off the grain side of some latigo. Neat-Lac did a good job of keeping it from happening again.
  5. In addition to the good advice that was already posted, what weight leather are you using? Lightweight veg tan often refuses to take an impression from larger stamps such as basket weave stamps. A tip I learned from a Don Gonzales video: if your leather is under 6 ozs (that’s my suggested thickness, not his) try putting a flexible cutting board between your leather and your granite or other stamping surface. That lets your leather take a deeper impression.
  6. I’ve seen them strung as beads to make bracelets, necklaces or earrings but I’ve never tried it myself.
  7. Trailblazer, thanks. Sadly no access to pistachio hulls or acorns either, but there’s lots of red wine here. (Sadly I had to give up alcohol this year for medical reasons, but they still sell it.) Does it matter whether you use dry or (ugh!) sweet wine? Have you had better luck with any particular type of grape? When you have used it, do you concentrate the wine first in anyway, or just use it straight from the bottle? Soak it, or swab it on? any tips you can give me would be great!
  8. “Hi, I live in Oklahoma, and there is a pecan orchard a few miles from home. I purchased a 25 or 50 pound bag of Pecan Hulls, a lingerie bag to boil them in, and now I have a dark brown dye. Walnut hulls also work very well. “ Unfortunately I have no source here in Israel for either type of hull.
  9. Mixing vinegar & steel wool into the coffee/ketchup experiment didn’t work any better than it probably tastes. It came out blotchy, uneven, black around the edges, light brown in the middle, with pin-prick black spots. Back to the drawing board.
  10. People who assume that because something is easily available in the U.S., it must be available worldwide, then, after you explain it’s unavailable in your country, respond by telling you where to find it in the U.S. I should hasten to say I haven’t encountered that at this forum.
  11. Yeah, I remember those from the U.S. No Walmarts or other big box stores here & the fabric stores, supermarkets & sundry stores don’t seem to carry fabric die. You can sometimes find food coloring but I haven’t tried it yet.
  12. I am not having breakfast at your house! If all it takes to scare you off is a little ketchup, I probably shouldn’t tell you I added some white vinegar & steel wool to the experiment. (Of course if it were a real experience, I would have measured, so it’s more in the nature of playing around with it.)
  13. Don Gonzalez recommends sealing the olive oil. Tan-Kote (which he uses) and similar products are hard to find here. Would Bic 4 work as a sealant? If not, any idea what happens if I don't seal it?
  14. I can’t seem to complete my profile. I have added what appears to be all of the mandatory information and a lot of optional information. But according to leather worker.net, my profile is still 0% complete, with no clue as to what I need to do in order to complete it. But according to leather worker.net, my profile is still 0% complete, with no clue as to what I need to do in order to complete it. The information I entered shows up when I access my profile, whether on my phone or my computer. But when I click on update my profile, I still get the same message that my profile is 0% complete. What am I doing wrong? What else do I need to do? Thanks.
  15. I’m thinking of applying it to the both sides of some thin nubuck to see if it will add body & give the look of smooth grain, to use in some wallets.
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