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    learning about leatherworking, Slasher films, working with my hands

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    none at the moment, just wanting to learn
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    any and everything about leatherworking
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  1. I think that might do it! I did just that and it all still lines up! thanks!
  2. Your response is pretty comforting, not gonna lie, I’m pretty stumped on what to do, I’m not sure if making it a straight cut would change but i may try it, I’m a caveman when it comes to figuring out computers so i wanna try to do this by hand if i can.
  3. Hi all, I’ve been prototyping and experimenting with some things for a hat and I’ve gotten to the part I’ve dreaded, tweaking a pre-existing hat pattern, and I’m faced with the issue of the fit and the measurements, I want the top and bottom measurements to be the same but I just need it a bit taller, I’m not a smart man so my approach was to just cut it and see if I could Macgyver a solution, I don’t this that was the approach I should’ve done, anyone have any advice or pointers? any and all is appreciated! pic related, pls excuse the mess that is my workbench
  4. Hey all, was curious about this: I have plans to make a suede cowboy hat but I’m unsure if the hat will be as sturdy as I’d like in the crown area, would a backing of sorts be a good idea?
  5. just his cowboy hat pattern, from the file name its called "the bounty hunter" and i think the video he has on youtube for it was called DIY Cowboy Hat, that compliment means the world, thank you so much!
  6. thank you so much i appreciate it! the pattern is a DieselPunkRo pattern i got via etsy, was exactly what i was looking for!
  7. some more photos, a WIP from a test fitting and a pic of the silhouette that i love
  8. Hey all, wanted to post this sooner but i had to compress the files first, this was my first ever leather project! made it as a way to prove to myself that i can at the very least make a hat out of leather via a pattern, im real proud of this, really satisfied by the result and especially by the profile and shadow it casts
  9. honestly might just keep the edge binding as a separate piece, not sure if i've got the brains yet to figure out how to make the binding a part of the hat.
  10. that makes sense, should've added in the post that its a cowboy hat pattern, the pattern allows for a metal wire to be inserted in the brim via bound edges made from other strips of leather, trying to figure out how to do an edge binding thats one with the brim instead of a separate piece of leather
  11. I might just be paranoid but I have a pattern for a hat and I’ve made one from veg tan, I want to make one from suede, I plan to tweak the pattern on the crown stitching. I just want to be sure I won’t be making a mistake by doing it in the first place can I use the same pattern for suede?
  12. apppreciate it!
  13. i have a hole punch set that i used, that second stitch i think i did reverse which one went first, i havent seen nigel armitages video but ill check it out today!
  14. Hey all! as a first post i wanted input on a test stitch i did on suede, im planning a hat project, i actually did a hat from full grain that ill share soon :^D
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