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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    custom chaps and tack
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    chaps and tack with bling
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    Tandy Leather Factory

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  1. I am trying to make a scalloped belt with a decorative rawhide braid on the narrow parts between each scallop. I cannot tell what type of braid is used. I do have Bruce Grant's "Encyclopedia of Rawhide and Leather Braiding" and have looked through it numerous times. I just cannot figure out which braid is used on these belts. I would greatly appreciate suggestions. Thanks.
  2. My Harley riding minister has been asked to join a local club as their Chaplin. He needs to have some patches sewn on his jacket and was wondering if there is such a thing as reflective thread. He really does not want to put the reflective strips on his jacket and thought maybe reflective thread would be sufficient. Does anybody have any suggestions or ideas? Thanks. Wanda
  3. I am fairly new at this, and I too was having problem with the Stanley and craft knives. What I discovered that works much better for me is to case my leather and use my swivel knife to make the first cut at least half way through. Then I use a craft knife with a good sharp blade. My cuts are much cleaner and I find I have much better control over the swivel knife. And the added bonus is it goes much faster too.
  4. You can get Extra Long Leg Rim Sets at www.dreamtimecreations.com. Just please tell us the way you used to set them. Thanks.
  5. Chaps/chinks, headstalls, breast collars, and spur straps. How about you - chaps also? I wonder if anybody here has any experience with the Home Pro setter - it only costs about $150 (thats a special price for the setter and all the additional tool sets). That might be easier to afford.
  6. I am a hard-headed German, so I will keep trying until I figure it out. I am ready to join.
  7. I keep trying new ways - I have a Gemmagic (cheap - bought at Walmart) - I can use the hand tool to set rims and crystals on chap leather. It has been working pretty good, I just lay the crystal where I want and then place the rim set over the crystal and push through into my poundo board. Then flip over after setting several and use the rivet setter that I use on crystal rivets. I am seriously thinking about buying a HomePro Tool from www.Dreamtimecreations.com. They have available additional attachments to set the nailheads and rim sets (all sizes). I am new at leathercrafting (about 3 to 4 months) but bet I have set 5000 nailheads by hand already.
  8. Do you think it would work with old rusty horse shoes?
  9. I am also in need of fleece for horse gear. I am looking at something called Polartech Classic 300. Not sure yet the best place to buy - I researched awhile back, but cannot seem to find my notes. Tonight I am looking at a website www.milldirecttextiles.com they have several color choices. I think the curly high loft will work for my project. Hopefully this is a start.
  10. I just bought Fushia swarovski crystals from www.dreamtimecreations.com . I have only shopped the swarovski items, but they do have other lines that may have what you are looking for. Have you contacted your local Tandy's to see if they could tell you who they used to get them from? The manager at my local Tandy's is always willing to help me solve mysteries, plus she has been with the company long enough that she usually knows the answer right off. Good Luck.
  11. WOW! Ants, lots and lots of ants. That must have taken forever. Nice job!! Very creative and unique. I am a little curious.... why ants?
  12. I too am in total disbelief when people pull up and out jumps a dog or two. I have acreage and horses as well. I feel this is such an intrusion - I always wonder how they would feel if I showed up with my 4 large dogs and just turned them out at their place. As for the tools, I walked into my shop area one day to find my husband grabbing numerous tools with sharp points in an attempt to unjam his shotgun. After ducking for cover, I tried explaining how much those tools cost him and maybe he should use the screwdriver, or better yet, use a different gun (he was trying to kill a snake). Never a dull moment. Wanda
  13. Hi PinkChaps: I have just started trying to use the rim sets with the swarovski flatbacks as well. I also have been having a difficult time. I have finally had some success with laying the flatback on the leather (I am contemplating using a little gemtac) then place the rim set over the flatback and lightly tap the rim set with my maul until it is through the leather, then flip over and use the same rivet setter I use on the crystal rivets to fold over all the prongs. I found if I tap light but firm the flatback does not flip as easy, but if I use a little gemtac, maybe they won't flip at all. I am also thinking that I will try using a small piece of rubber mat between the maul and rim set to prevent any damage to rim set. I had been trying to set these with my cheap Gemagic (bought at Walmart) but the flatback almost always flipped. I used the above process on heavy leather (10-12 oz ) and suede.
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