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Jim L.

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  • Location
    San Diego County, CA/ Oak Creek Canyon, AZ
  • Interests
    General leather work and construction. Stamping

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Anything that doesn't involve heavy lifting.
  • Interested in learning about
    All areas of leather work

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  1. A regular sewing machine will do light leather (3-4) but not with real heavy thread, maybe up to a 60 range, but that will work for a lot of things. You need to get a leather needle but most common sewing shops have those for standard machines. For leather you really should be able to sew with a 92 thread. I bought a Tippman and use it for heavy work but for most light stuff and flatgoods I use an Artisan with mostly 138 thread. My original commercial power machine was an old Singer made in 1941 with no reverse, I asked at every boot and shoe repair shop around until I got a line on one and table, motor, and all bought it for $200. It had a roller foot which I finally changed out but I used it a lot. A friend now has it and does lots of motorcycle stuff with it. If you have a commercial sewing supply go there and see what they have? JL
  2. Hey Bob, what part of San Diego are you in? No guild other than the iilg that I know of but several of the folks that do business with Stonehedge Leather have talked about starting one. PM or email me JL
  3. Hi, that is way cool. The brass cartidges will do bad things to the leather though. At that period of time there were lots of tapered rifle calibers so I am sure that is what the other loops are. Also that is the right design for the period. You should foward your pics of it to John Bianchi at his web site. He might have some really interesting things to say as he authenicates this things on a regular basis. JL
  4. Hi, I use the combination cutter beveler from Jim Downey, Skull Vally Ariz. see his ad in the LCSJ. I liked the small one so much that I bought the large one, cost about $80 as I recall, cut and bevels at the same time, then turn the strap around and just bevel the other side. Quick and accurate. JL
  5. Hi, I use several of these, use a steel hammer and a light tap, just once. It works just fine for me. JL
  6. Almost all my holsters are lined, if not then the inside is dyed and slicked with Resolene, I have also slicked with Tankote but prefer the Rsolene. JL
  7. Hi, Stonehedge Leather in San Diego (619) 223-4211 has the spring inserts used for thumb-break snap applications. That is where I get mine, they are the same ones the big gun leather companies use. Stonehedge ships world wide. JL
  8. The iilg pro's corner has an article by Phil Leduc on sharpening these, I use his method and it works for me. JL
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