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Everything posted by Mongo

  1. Are you sure this promo code is correct? It would not work for me either.
  2. I use thin strips of athletic tape on the first joints of my pinky fingers and index fingers. It works very well, much better than the gloves I use to use.
  3. Luke and Badger have given you good advice. I use both of their ideas and I have also learned a lot from John Bianchi's DVDs on making Western holsters.
  4. Hobby, I was having the same problem when I used a belt sander. I quit using the belt sander for most stuff. What I now use instead is a small table top drill press. I set the drill press on its side and I found some small sanding drums at Lowes. Because the drill press runs at a much slower speed, it's much easier to avoid bad leather burning. It can still happen if I'm not careful, but I'm much happier with the results than I was with the belt sander.
  5. Gonnate, My stuff is hand stiched holsters 8-9oz with a 6-7oz lining. I back stich 3 or 4 times, cut the thread off close, and then I take a needle, or the awl and poke any remaining thread down into the last hole. I have holsters that are seeing heavy use in competition 3 weekends a month over four years and I have never had one come back with loose thread. Some of you other gents had some good ideas that I may "borrow".
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